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它是我的掌上盆景-----仙人球。It is my palm bonsai ----- cactus.

这些柳树的树干盘根错杂,仿佛盆景一般。Their trunks are as gnarled as bonsai.

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山石盆景是一种立体的画。Rock bonsai is a three-dimensional picture.

他很喜欢那个盆景的造形。He likes the shape of that potted landscape.

最后将植物放到水晶球盆景中。Finally, place your plants inside the terrarium.

这为退休老人精心培养他的盆景。The retiree is painstakingly nurturing his bonsai.

在水晶球盆景中要放置水或雾收集器,以保持水分。Water or mist the terrarium sparingly, but keep it moist.

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用头盖骨做盆莳植保守微型盆景。Use human skull as a pot to grow a traditional mini-bonsai.

或许因为我曾经见过它创造了盆景风格。Or perhaps because I have seen it created in a bonsai style.

看来喜欢盆景的人不在少数。It seems that those who like Penjing are not in the minority.

今天我在动物园的花店里买了一盆景,名叫福建茶。Today I bought a Bonzai at Como Park. It is called Fujian Tea.

具体的制作盆景技术,我们不在此论述。Specific production bonsai techniques, we do not deal with this.

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这款“光子充电”装置看上去就像一棵太阳能充电盆景。PhotonSynthesis is a device which looks like a solar-cell bonsai.

赶快用绿色的饰物装扮你的家吧,或者用一些室内盆景。Spruce up your home with green accessories including houseplants.

万寿山、佛香阁,不过是些点缀的盆景。Longevity Hill, Buddhist Club, but is more embellishment of bonsai.

黄金分割在盆景规则中反复出现。The Golden Section appears time and time again within Bonsai rules.

这令人印象深刻的无故障盆景是一个初学者的优良树种。This impressive trouble-free Bonsai is an excellent tree for the beginner.

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这是迄今为止国内发现的最大的一座千层石假山盆景。This is by far the largest domestic found qianceng stone rockery miniascape.

第二个例子,在这个图片中,盆景作为一个整体放置在展示台的中央。A second example, in this image the bonsai is placed centrally on it's stand.

像生盆景是清代宫廷中的陈设用品,多寓意吉祥。Artificial bonsai was used for decoration and had the meaning of auspiciousness.