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还乡团果然害怕,连夜逃跑了。As hoped, the Home Returning Corps took fright and fled in the night.

等他们冲进里院时,发现潘带着还乡团早己跑掉了。Bursting into the inner courtyards, they found that the Pan Corps had already gone.

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“大家不喜欢还乡团,”她们说,“你若回来,你弟弟不会帮你的。”"The people don't like the Home Returning Corps, " they said. "If you come back, your brother can't help you. "

此后不久,军阀阎锡山操纵的地主武装“还乡团”在太岳山区的活动日渐猖獗。Shortly after this, the Revenge Corps of Warlord Yen Hsi-shan's army grew increasingly active in the Taiyueh Mountains.

石壁村的群众得悉邻村遭到“还乡团”袭击的消息后,立即开会商讨应变措施。As soon as Stone Wall Village heard the news of what had happened to its neighbor, the farmers called a meeting to discuss the situation.

与此同时,大大小小的地主不敢睡在当地还乡团的管地里,为了安全,他们开始住在一个中心地点。At the same time, various landlords afraid to sleep in local Home Returning Corps barracks, began to collect in a central location for safety.

窦马利和他的还乡团每星期在白天光顾窦马庄两、三次,而地老鼠一般情况下是在天黑后才进村。Tou Mali and his Home Returning Corps visited Toumachuang two or three times a week in the daytime. The Field Mouse generally came after dark.

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这样,地老鼠在群众中树立了待人厚道的声望,削弱了还乡团头目窦马利的影响。Thus, the Field Mouse built up his reputation for kindness and broke down the influence of Tou Mali, head of the Home Returning Corps, among the people.

他以他那种诱人并带着稚气、然而却是严肃的态度向这些妇女指出,让丈夫在土匪还乡团里混事是不合适的。In his charming, boyish , but serious way, he would point out to these women the impropriety of having a husband in a Home Returning Corps run by bandits.

一次在民兵与国民党还乡团交火时,她爬上观台城墙,也举起枪朝敌人射击。Once, however, she climbed over the wall of Kwangtai and participated in a gun fight with members of the Home Returning Corps organized by the Kuomintang.

在“剿匪”的口号下,那些自己曾是名副其实的土匪的地主们组织了还乡团,并向各村摊派枪支捐。Under the slogan of "fighting bandits, " the landlords, who in reality were ex-bandits themselves, organized a Home Returning Corps and placed a rifle tax on all the villages.