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一个半相加测度的例子就是余额。An example of a semiadditive measure is a balance.

交易量是惟一需要的测度。The transaction amount is the only measure needed.

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一个非相加测度的例子就是百分率。An example of a nonadditive measure is a percentage.

但也有人认为测度也应该是一种母结构。Some people think measure is also a parent structure.

在最细的级别定义了所有的测度。All the measures are defined at the most detailed level.

卡尔维诺先生在谈到自己的作品时显得神秘难以测度Mr. Calvino himself talked enigmatically about his writing.

正如您可以看到的,所付利息也是派生的测度。As you can see, the Interest Paid is also a derived measure.

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如果模型是正确的,它就可以给出真实的下侧风险测度。It gives true downside risk measure if the model is correct.

通常,全相加的测度是最理想的。Generally, it is desirable for measures to be fully additive.

提出了指数效用论观点和测度方法。The concept of index utility and its mensuration is built up.

集中趋势的测度是描述统计学的重要内容。Measurement of central tendency is the key content in statistics.

用ZP方式导频时,该算法克服了信道阶数未知时定时测度平台。It is found that the ZP mode pilot can overcome the metric plateau.

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下一步就是将维度和测度组织成事实。The next step is organizing the dimensions and measures into facts.

而目前国内也缺乏对单家银行市场势力的实证测度方法的研究。Now we lack of the method of measuring the single bank's market power.

切测度可用来刻画一个测度的局部性态。Tangent measures can be used to describe the local behavior of a measure.

本文首先建立了野战地域通信网的可靠性测度指标体系。First of all, the system of measure indicatrix on reliability of RCN is found.

钢的铁素体或奥氏体晶粒度的测度。Macrographic determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of steels.

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本文针对野战地域通信网的可靠性测度及评价方法进行研究。This thesis discusses the measure and evaluation method of reliability of RCN.

适用能力的测度是科技成果转化的中间环节。The testing of application ability is an intermediate link in transforming STAs.

一个常用的测度是常规和指数连动式债券收益之间的差距。An established gauge is the yield gap between conventional and index-linked bonds.