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他在天平盘上放了两个砝码。He placed two weights in the scale pan.

吊篮和平盘式取样器加大了对水流的阻力。The basket and pan types cause an increased resistance to flow.

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进行了平盘过滤机上耐温橡胶嵌条的研制。Studies have been made on joint strip of anti heat rubber in flat plate filter.

但股市尾盘上涨,牢牢地把较长期公债定在了平盘下方.But a late surge in stocks pushed longer-dated debt firmly into negative territory.

他说,到2010年底时,澳元有可能接近与美元平盘的水平。He says the Aussie currency could reach near parity with the U.S. dollar by the end of 2010.

本实用新型涉及一种真空平盘过滤机溢流式滤饼洗涤装置。The utility model relates to an overflow-type filter cake washing device for a vacuum pan filter.

短期英镑利率期货亦转在平盘下方,因市场消化了之后的减息将不再那麽积极.Short sterling interest rate futures turned negative as markets priced in less monetary easing ahead.

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在不及预期的消费者信心数据公布后,美国股市转至平盘下方,盘终收低.美国公债价格则削减稍早的跌幅.Stocks were lower after turning negative following the weaker-than-expected consumer confidence report.

美国股指期货回吐稍早涨幅,在平盘附近交易,反映出投资者信心摇摆.U.S. equity futures gave up early gains and traded roughly flat, reflecting the jolt to investor confidence.

有关气态巨型行星形成于原始气体和尘埃平盘内的什么位置问题,长期以来研究人员一直在争论。Researchers have long debated how close in gas giant planets form from a flat disk of primordial gas and dust.

美国股指期货SPc1回吐稍早涨幅,在平盘附近交易,反映出投资者信心摇摆.U.S. equity futures SPc1 gave up early gains and traded roughly flat, reflecting the jolt to investor confidence.

在一轮强劲上涨将巴西股市推到接近2008年危机前的峰值后,Bovespa指数今年以来一直是平盘走势。After a strong rally bringing it close to its 2008 pre-crisis peak, the Bovespa index has moved sideways this year.

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这些平盘是最近由欧洲太空总署的火星特快车号太空船在环绕火星时所拍摄的。The unusual plates were photographed recently by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft currently orbiting Mars.

但道指小跌,因油价下滑促使投资人抛售能源股,标准普尔500指数几收平盘.The Dow edged lower as falling oil prices prompted investors to sell energy shares, while the Standard & Poor's index finished flat.

美国市场也加入了这次行情,当天强力开市,刚刚恢复到差不多平盘,不过关键是结束了长期的下跌。US markets also joined in, starting the day strongly, before slipping back to close largely flat but ending a long streak of losses.

在丹麦人的早餐盘里经常会出现黑面包,奶酪,意大利蒜味腊肠,火腿,馅饼,蜂蜜和果酱,有时候还会有一平盘巧克力。On a Dane's breakfast plate you'll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, paté, honey, jam and sometimes even thin 'plates' of chocolate.

在丹麦人的早餐盘里经常会出现黑面包,奶酪,意大利蒜味腊肠,火腿,馅饼,蜂蜜和果酱,有时候还会有一平盘巧克力。On a Dane’s breakfast plate you’ll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pâté, honey, jam and sometimes even thin ‘plates’ of chocolate.

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如果本周五个交易日市场涨势能追平上周表现,那可能会带动道琼工业指数年内首次升至平盘上方.If the market in the next five sessions manages to match this week's gains, it could put the Dow in positive territory for the first time this year.

论文首先分析了平盘-波纹盘间电流变液的剪切运动特点,推导出平盘-波纹盘间电流变液的速度分布、压强分布及可传递力矩的特点。Dynamic characteristics under shear mode are analyzed. Velocity and pressure distributing between the flat and wave discs are educed with Bingham model.

道指和标准普尔500指数在盘中震荡后,最终几收平盘,投资者抛售经济成长相关类股,买入电信和公用事业等防御类股.The Dow and S&P indices ended little changed in an up-and-down session where investors sold growth sectors in favor of defensive shares like telecoms and utilities.