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这两个齿轮啮合在一起。The two cogwheels are engaged.

钝齿轮不能啮合。The cogwheels are not engaging.

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一齿轮与另一齿轮啮合。One cog-wheel engages with another.

钝齿轮之间的啮合。One cogwheel engages with the next.

那两个齿轮啮合后机器就转动了。One cog -wheel engages with another.

这轮子与那轮子啮合并使它转动。This engages with that and turns it.

第一齿轮与第二齿轮啮合。The first gear engages with the second.

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这个轮与那个轮相啮合而开始转动了。The wheel engages with that wheel and turns it.

这个轮与那个轮相啮合并带动它转动。This wheel engages with that wheel and turns it.

这轮子与那轮子啮合并使它转动。This wheel engages with that wheel and turns it.

这个从动齿轮与它的主动轮啮合得非常好。The driven gear fits its driving gear like a glove.

分析了该失配啮合传动的基本原理。The basic principle of the worm gearing is analysed.

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一个齿轮的齿与另一齿轮的齿相啮合。The teeth in one wheel engage with those of another.

互相啮合的直齿圆柱齿轮,必须具有相同的径节。Meshing spur gears must have the same diametral pitch.

分析了该失配啮合传动的基本原理。The basic principle of the worm gearing has beenanalysed.

轮子转动时,那两个轮子上的齿就啮合了。The teeth on those two wheels mesh as the wheels revolve.

一第二罩壳适合于可移动地啮合所述第一罩壳。A second housing is adapted to movably engage the first housing.

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对一种新型圆弧摆线内啮合转子泵进行了研究。A new type of arc cycloidal internal meshing rotary pump was studied.

对于啮合结构,表8.3给出的合适的值。For intermeshed fabric, the values given in Table 8.3 are applicable.

常啮合两级传动四档变速,带倒档。Constant mesh, two stage transmission , 4-speed Gearshift, reverse gear.