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活动当日付于签到到,接受现金。Pay at the door, cash only.

当日,扫罗就与撒母耳同席。And Saul dined with Samuel that day.

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当日汇率是多少?The beach was packed with day trippers.

比赛号码布于比赛当日在报到处派发。Number bits will be issued on the race day.

您是要快洗服务还是当日取?Would you like express service or same-day?

赞成当日冲销,但必须挑选专业的场所。Day-trading pros must pick professional venue.

不外,您是要快洗效力照旧当日取?But would you like express service or same-day?

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职安局成员与当日演出的艺人合照。Members of the OSHC taking photos with artists.

☆珍惜今天,当日事当日毕Cherish today, today's work has to be done today

新鲜如当日,初尝你的上好。A love so fresh like the day I first touched You.

于是,以扫当日起行,回往西珥去了。So that day Esau started on his way back to Seir.

开盘价应该作为当日振幅范围的一端。The open should act as one extreme of this range.

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杰克把当日的大事记入日记。Jack entered the events of the day into his diary.

当日字来到时,斋戒被一头野猪所杀。The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.

当日,为期四天的维也纳老爷车展在当地开幕。The four-day show kicked off in Vienna on Thursday.

如果所请求的日期是当日或将来的时间,该如何处理?What if the requested date is today or in the future?

当日申报改帐累计达二笔以上者。It reports two or more account changes on a given day.

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大部分当日交易者一周左右便亏掉所有钱。Many day traders lose all their money in a week or so.

当日申报改帐累计达五笔以上者。It reports five or more account changes on a given day.

当日杀牛宰马,大张筵席。That day, oxen and horses were slaughtered for the feast.