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今天晚上不用再行杀戮。There’d be no more killing tonight.

那时所谓具有“好银行”名声的巴克莱再行收购,就能捡个便宜货。That would leave the "good bank" for Barclays to snap up.

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特殊许可证今后不得向任何人再行发放。No special license will be regranted to anyone from now on.

使用时,请确认树脂温度与室温一致后再行使用。Please check the resin temperature is same as R. T. before using.

具体价格也可根据难易度,再行挟商调整。Accept specific prices be based on degree of difficulty to adjust.

告诉格兰特让GMU构筑工事苦守,等候我的号令再行开进。Tell Grant to keep the GMU dug in and wait for my word to move in.

如需喷洒香水或发胶时请先将银饰品那拿下,待香水或发胶乾燥时再行佩戴。Put your silver jewelry on after your perfume and hair spray are dry.

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请等待页面全数读取完毕再行点阅缩图观赏。Please wait for all page loading done, then click the picture you like.

所以,还是人流后一个月再行房事好,以防宫内感染。So, still poured a month after sex, in case any good within the infection.

方法先用螺纹钉和银汞合金形成桩核,再行烤瓷牙修复。Methods used to screw and formasilver amalgam core, re- dental restoration.

在第一次喷涂完成后,待前次喷后约15分钟后再行喷涂。Spray again 15 minutes after last spraying, until the thickness above 1.5mm.

应允许先搞试验,取得经验,再行推广。Should allow to do the experiment first, gains the experience, promotes again.

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其他事项待合同签订时再行商榷。Other items concerning the employment will be comfirmed when the contract is signed.

如果检察官的不轨行为导致审判无效宁波翻译,再行起诉可能会被禁止。If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial, a later prosecution may be barred.

我的忖度是,美国学院的大局限老师依然不再行使这种手段了。My assessment is that most teachers in American law schools no longer use the method.

威尔士亲王开放坦率的意见将再行展开转基因食品的大辩论。The Prince of Wales's forthright comments will reopen the whole debate about GM food.

方法先用螺纹钉和银汞合金形成桩核,再行烤瓷牙修复。Methods used to screw and form a silver amalgam core, re-porcelain dental restoration.

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发现弯针后,不可再行提插、捻转等手法。When the needle is bent, lifting, thrusting and rotating shall be no longer conducted.

那些坏蛋设法获得多种有关你和家里的资料后,再行诈骗。Con-men are those who will try to get all types of information about you and your family.

具体修改费用及修改时间双方再行商定。And the price of changes and the updated lead time should be negotiated by the both paries.