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万千的喜气多热闹,吉祥的日子要来到。Thousands of festivity more lively, auspicious day to come.

月到双节分外明,节日喜气伴你行。Bi-month exceptionally bright, happy holiday with your actions.

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就像在中国过大年,王女士一身红色的旗袍,十分喜气。Like in China, Guo Danian, Dr. Wong has a red cheongsam , very happy.

照我看,空中从没这么喜气,太阳从没这么明亮,海上从没这分美景。In the aIr before, such brIghtness In the sun, such beauty In the sea.

月到双节分外明,节日喜气伴你行。Months to double festival especially bright, happy holiday with you do.

财神到喜气到,美苑今日开门大喜,人人都有大礼包!势不可挡开门礼,快来领取!MYuan today opened exultation, everyone has a big gift, come to collect!

但是,喜气的装扮并不能掩盖三年级小学生的痛苦和疲惫的双眼。But the third grader's cheery outfit didn't mask her pain and weary eyes.

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薇薇带来一只兔子进场,大家都围拢过来摸摸新年的喜气。Weiwei brought a rabbit, everyone came to touch it for a better luck in the New Year.

四喜气不过,便抢先出手,金蟾却强行去吻九妹。Snapped up to four happy, however, and spittor was forced to kiss nine younger sister.

过年时,大街小巷人群川流不息,处处挂着红彤彤的灯笼,贴着喜气的对联。New Year's day, the streets arrived, everywhere hung with red lanterns, beaming of couplets.

图案栩栩如生,色彩鲜明,自然古朴,美观大方,吉祥喜气。Design lifelike and bright colours, nature of of primitive simplicity, beautiful generous, auspicious auspicious.

一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进。Life happy, peaceful lives, the spirit of a hundred times every day, month and festivity Yangyang, mid-making plenty of money.

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穿着多民族服装的威尔士女孩增添了节日喜气,她们戴着黑色的高帽,穿着鲜红的裙子,系着上了浆的白围裙。The Welsh girls contribute to the festival gaiety with their national dress-a tall black hat, a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron.

在门和窗子上贴上剪纸和印有喜气,长寿,发财主体的对联。The doors and windows are then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on them.

整体造型优美,给人以喜气祥和的美感,让福禄万代的美好祝愿得以绵延相传。Overall modelling beautiful, give a person with auspicious auspicious aesthetic feeling, let ferro generation wishes to stretch to the next. F.

看着人们脸上的喜气儿,身上的热乎气儿,穿梭在人流中的您,定会为这浓浓的京味儿感叹不已。People watching the joyful faces of children, body warming gas children, shuttling through the flow of you will for this deep and Jing Weier sigh.

朝阳搬家那天“灶”一定要开火,不要冷灶。可以煮些甜的东西,像甜汤圆或甜茶,吃点甜,图个喜气。Chaoyang move "oven" must fire that day, don't cold stove. Can cook something sweet, like sweet dumplings or sweet tea, eat sweet, figure a beaming.

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月到双节分外明,节日喜气伴你行。人逢喜事精神爽,人团家圆事业成。节日愉快。Months to double festival especially bright, happy holiday with you do. Joy put heart into a man, people home business into a group. A happy holiday.

另外还有贴春联的习俗,象征喜气吉祥的红纸上写对联,贴在门窗两边,表达人们祈求来年福运的美好心愿。Another custom is to stick Spring Festival Couplets on the edge of door or window. That couplet is written in red paper, whice means good luck and happiness.

元旦过后的北京依然被一派喜庆的景象,就连冬日的严寒都放佛被这节庆的喜气给逼迫到了哪个不知名的角落里了。Though the new-year celebration has been over, the festive atmosphere in Beijing is still so thick that even the freezing coldness seems nowhere to be found.