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不过在2010年它放弃了维基百科的方式,采用了新的,加入社评的口吻。But in 2010 it abandoned the wiki-style approach and adopted a new, editorialising tone.

至少这是中国一家国家媒体的社评所传达的信息,这篇文章在中国互联网上引起了轰动。Such at least is the message of a state media editorial that is making waves on the Chinese Internet.

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通过他在四十年的一些杂文及社评,肯定了萧乾为一名自由主义知识分子。Through some of his essays and editorials in the 1940s, Xiao Qian was affirmed as a liberal intellectual.

社评家称此案为「施科普斯案2或3」,数字取决于他们知道先前有多少演化论教育案。Commentators dubbed it Scopes II or III, depending on how many previous evolution education cases they knew of.

我完全同意这篇纽约时报社评就有关增大的国际间不平衡的经济论述。I agree with everything this NYT editorial has to say about the economics of widening international imbalances.

也许查查社评,你可以借此表明你知道你在说什么。Maybe check out some editorial reviews that you can “borrow” to make it appear that you know what you are talking about.

1884年,几个著名社评撰稿人取笑总统候选人格罗弗·克利夫兰,称他与未婚的玛丽亚·哈尔平生有一个孩子。In 1884, editorialists famously taunted presidential candidate Grover Cleveland about having sired a child with the unmarried Maria Halpin.

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中国国有媒体新华社在上述决定宣布前发表的一篇社评中说,对台军售“必然”会有损中美关系。The state-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary published before the announcement that the deal would 'inevitably' damage U.S.-Chinese ties.

中国媒体也充斥着“占领华尔街”的相关报导,刊登社评批评美国政治体制,谴责西方媒体淡化抗议活动。Chinese newspapers splashed news about Occupy Wall Street with editorials blaming the U.S. political system and denouncing the Western media for playing down the protests.

新华社周日发表一篇社评,题为“李娜是最好的国家公关”,将她称为“中国的新名片”,和一名“出色的外交官”。An editorial carried by the state-run Xinhua news agency on Sunday entitled 'Li Na is the best PR for China, ' called her an 'outstanding name card for China' and a 'brilliant 'diplomat.