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何以能寻梦、追梦、圆梦?How can you seek, pursue and fulfill your dreams?

几时业成归来,畅怀饮,再圆梦?。How long will the industry return, make drink, then dream?

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她能在为他圆梦方面提供互补。She can complement him well to help him realize his dreams.

毋庸质疑,我将牢牢把握住2012年温布登圆梦的机会。"Definitely until the 2012 Olympics in London, which will be held at Wimbledon, " he added.

给老师最好的礼物就是成绩,给父母最好的回报就是圆梦!The best gifts to the teacher is the score, the best return for parents is a self-administered!

终于,在经历了96、00年的两次失利后,王义夫圆梦雅典,用实际行动使舆论哗然。Finally, after 96, 00 years after losing twice, wang yifu interpreta dream Athens, with practical action to make the public outcry.

元月元日元旦至,圆梦圆心圆万事,欢快轻快更畅快,喜乐娱乐天伦乐。New Year's Day to January Mongol, dreams come true center round things, more cheerful light and fun, joy, entertainment Harmonious.

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我宁愿是人们中最渺小的一个,心中有梦以及圆梦的渴望,也不愿成为最伟大的一个,没有梦,没有渴望。I would not be the least among men with dreams and the desire to fulfill them, rather than the greatest with no dreams and no desires.

他说,他时常希望有一天能自己创业,入籍将为他带来圆梦的机会。He said that he often hoped to some day own a business and that he thinks his citizenship will give him the chance to fulfill that dream.

日圆月圆天圆地也圆,人圆梦圆事业更圆,梦圆情圆家圆爱情圆,财圆志圆达也圆。The sky and the earth round full moon, people read a dream career more round, the dream feeling round round round, love wealth round tzu round and round.

顶峰助力微营销是真的吗圆梦系统一直崇尚“效率优先,把时间花在能产生价值的地方”的科学理念。Peak power micro marketing is really a dream system has been advocating "efficiency first, spend time where you can create value" of the scientific concept.

一月欧洲转会窗就将重新启动。为了圆梦世界杯,究竟是冒险留在切尔西还是主动要求被租借出去,留给胡特做决定的时间不多了。The transfer window reopens in January so Huth does not have much time to decide whether to risk his World Cup dream by staying at Chelsea or ask for a loan move.

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圆梦是一种生活态度,更是一份坚持,就像彩绘属于自己的人生风景图,沿途风光需要每个人用心去欣赏与领悟。A dream is a kind of attitude, and is a commitment. A dream adds color to the landscape of our life, but we must take pains to appreciate the scenery along the way.

美国“圆梦加州”名校英语冬令营将在著名的美国加州大学河畔分校举行,该活动为枫叶学子打开实现美国名校之梦的大门。Our American "Pursuit of Dream" UCR English program will be held in the well-known University of California Riverside and it will be where the Maple Leafers' dream starts.

在创业方面,深圳有任正非、马化腾、王石等一大批企业家圆梦深圳的创业故事,将会在新的历史时期演绎出更精彩的版本。Shenzhen witnessed the success of a large group of successful entrepreneurs such as Ren Zhengfei, Ma Huateng and Wang Shi. Their success stories would be repeated in the new era, said Xu Qin.

为追求最新游戏体验的热力玩家提供一个圆梦的舞台,并为积极参与者提供游戏测试培训的机会。The heating power player that experiences to pursue newest sport provides the stage of an oneiromancy , it is the person that take an active part in to offer game to check groomed opportunity.

尽管他们的名号有些复杂,但本质上都是一家帮平民和富人圆梦的概念公司的成员,该公司的目标是让客户体验到梦寐以求的生活。For all their elaborate titles, however, they're essentially members of a high-concept company, which provides regular — and wealthy — clients with a taste of the lives they have always wanted.