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黄金矿主却不。Gold miners are not.

成矿主要与燕山期花岗斑岩体有关。Granite-porphyry stock is ore-forming parent rock.

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这些充满了抱负的黄金矿主在当地有很多可以学习的榜样。Aspiring gold moguls have numerous local role models.

原矿主要化学成分含量极适合作陶瓷原料。Content of original ore is very compatible to make ceramic.

煤矿主表示需要两天才能到达矿工被困之处。The mine's owner says it may take two days to reach the trapped men.

赔偿金额相对较高,反映出矿主急于压制怨言。The relatively high sums reflected the owners’ eagerness to suppress complaints.

煤矿主们早组织了一个同业公会以保护他们自己的利益。The owners of the coal mines had formed an association to protect their interests.

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湖南前寒武系的硅铝质板岩是锑矿主要赋矿岩性。The Pre-cambrian alumino-siliceous slate is the host rock of antimony deposit inHunan.

周先生还说,矿主李成奎推选支持他处理遇难者家属善后事宜。Mr. Zhou said the mine owner, Li Chengkui, enlisted him to deal with the victims' families.

淘金潮退去后,矿主取得水权的方式成为惯例。After the gold rush ended, the miners’ approach to water rights became an established custom.

煤矿矿主和他们的员工自然而然会极力反对对煤炭加征的任何税务。Owners of coal mines and their clients are, therefore, strongly opposed to any tax on carbon.

煤矿主扇风机的主要功能是保证井下空气畅通新鲜,降低瓦斯浓度。The function of the main fan in coal mine is to keep fresh air and reduce the concentration of gas.

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每天,挖泥船能挖到价值3万美金的黄金,而矿主却从未向国家交过一分钱。Every day, dredgers dug worth 30,000 U. S. dollars to gold, and mine never pay a penny to the state.

专家表示矿工们生存的机会日益渺茫,但矿主合伙人仍然表示情况乐观。Experts say the chances of survival are getting smaller, but the mine's co-owner is still optimistic.

铀成矿主要与斑岩体的“双层结构”有关,即“双层结构”成矿模式。The formation of uranium deposit is mainly related to the two layer structure of the porphyry massif.

本文主要介绍了赵官矿主、副井冻结信息化施工技术及经验、体会。This article mainly introduced the experience of freezing informationization construction technology.

矿主罗伯特默里说克兰德尔峡谷煤矿并没有采用这种「撤退式采矿」方法。Robert murray, the mine ' s owner, says that " retreat mining " was not being used in crandall canyon.

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有交易商说非法精炼厂都用成袋的现金付给提供半成品的矿主。Traders say illegal refineries pay outlaw miners for semi-processed rare earth ore with sacks of cash.

李毅中上周表示缺煤以及煤价上涨驱使无法无天的矿主采取不顾后果的举动。"The short supply of coal and rising prices push lawless owners to take reckless moves," Li said last week.

河南不溶性钾矿主要属于沉积岩型和火成岩型。The undissolved potassium mineral deposits is mainly classified to the sedimentary rock and the igneous rock.