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我们有什么应对良策吗?How well are we doing?

酒店经营者应如何应对?What Should Hoteliers Do?

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我们如何应对能源问题?How do we deal with energy?

你是如何应对挫折的?How you cope with setbacks?

如何避免和应对肌肉痉挛?How can I prevent muscle cramps?

你是如何应对自我怀疑的呢?How do you deal with self-doubt?

你怎样应对社会化的问题?How to you handle socialization?

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玛丽勇敢地以笑来应对痛苦。Mary bravely laughed off her pain.

对此,我们如何共同做出应对计划?So how do we jointly plan on that?

你应该这么应对呢So what are you going to do about it?

我们需要全面应对。We need an across-the-board response.

至于该如何应对痛经呢?As for how to deal with dysmenorrhea ?

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面对危机,我们究竟该如何应对?So how should we deal with the crisis?

我们该如何应对此类情况呢?So how do we deal with these situations?

危机应对措施或多或少起了作用。The crisis response more or less worked.

中国网民指责菲律宾对马尼拉人质绑架危机的应对措施China’s Netizens Criticize Crisis Response

我们需要应对电网故障的预案。We need a plan to deal with grid failures.

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那么危机来袭时应当如何应对呢?How do you manage that when crisis strikes?

于是每次救市是临时应对,伴随恐慌一片。So each bailout has been ad hoc and panicky.

那么我们应该怎样应对圣诞压力呢?So how do we deal with the Christmas stress?