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适合你的最好的低压工作?Best Low-Stress Job for You?

低压脱扣试验。Under voltage tripping test.

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低浓度,低压强。Low concentration, low pressure.

这是一根低压条件下的试管。And this was a tube at low pressure.

全铝材现代低压灯!All-aluminum low voltage modern lamp!

全铝材现代低压灯!All-aluminum modern low voltage lamp!

采用24V低压烙铁芯安全供电。Used safety and low voltage 24V heater.

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一种有低压氖气放电管的灯。A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.

适用于中低压力的平面阀座表面。Flat seating faces for low and medium pressures.

干热低压槽犹如抱窝的母鸡赖着不走。A hot, dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen.

TM是非常小的并且经营在低压。The TM is very small and operates at low-tension.

用于大型低压离心式冷水机组中。Used in large, low pressure centrifugal chillers.

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形容词,非常高的电流,低压差稳压器。Adj, Very high current, low dropout voltage regulator.

低压24V烙铁为防静电设计,有效保护线路板。Antistatic 24V soldering iron has good protection of PCB.

在高压或低压下进行提纯。Do your distillation under high pressure or low pressure.

分析了低压压敏陶瓷工艺技术的关键问题。Analysed the key to technical question of low-voltage ZNR.

应急发电机滑油低压停车试验。The auto-stop test of emergency generator L. O. Low-press.

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低压处理未看到EFE活性“高峰”。Activity of EFE under no pressure has no climacteric "Peak".

在低压断路器各种参数中,接线端子的温升是一个重要的指标。Terminal is a vital part which connects MCCB and power line.

印度低压偏强并持续稳定。Indian Low Pressure is more strong and sustainable stability.