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军容严整。The troops are in gallant array.

他们这个部队向来以军风严整著称。Their troop is famous for its neat carriage.

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宇宙具有严整的秩序,圆满的和谐。The cosmos has solemn order and orbicular harmony.

过分严整没有标记的文章令人不愉快,并且很难消化。Solid text with no signposts is off-putting and difficult to digest.

一套是体系较为严整的中国善治评价指标体系框架。The first is a comprehensive framework of China's good governance evaluation.

而南方剪纸玲珑剔透严整优雅,以写实风格著称。Paper cut in South China is well known for its exquisite, elegant, realistic style.

不过,最近的一些观察发现使得科学家们可以把这些信息线索统一到一个严整的理论当中。But only recently have observations enabled scientists to weave these threads into a rigorous theory.

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严整高素质的翻译队伍为我们的翻译工作提供了最有效的保障。We ensure that the translators and interpreters have appropriate backgrounds for each subject matter.

它旨在通过智力训练提高人们思维的严整性和论证的纯粹性。Through intelligence training, it can improve the neatness of thinking and the purity of demonstration.

兵器要多种多样配合使用,士卒要训练有素,要沉着镇静,阵形才能保持严整。Troops should be well-trained, and remain calm at all times, only then can the formation be well-ordered.

伍基人十分尊重自然,而且与他们所在星球生态的严整性有很强的联系。Wookiees are deeply respectful of nature, and have a strong connection to the sanctity of their world's ecology.

规范、统一、严整、科学的体例是一部好词典必备的条件。A standard, unified, integrated and scientific layout is an absolutely necessary condition for a good dictionary.

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立法者通过控制法的排他性、对称性和严整性决定了金融法的可实施性。The legislator determines the feasibility of financial law by controlling its exclusiveness, symmetry and completeness.

整组建筑巍峨严整,气势恢宏,远处眺望,白云缭绕,金碧辉煌,宛若天上宫阙。The whole group of buildings towering rigorous, magnificent, distance, clouds shrouded, magnificent, just like the sky palace.

其学徒职业培训具有严整的法律、法规体系和管理体制,明确的施培对象和施培体制。There are strict law and statute system, management system, explicit fostering subject and system for its apprentice training.

道教作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分,其内在的政治思想丰富严整而且影响深远。Daoism, as an important part of traditional Chinese culture implies abundant political ideas which have exerted profound influence.

图书馆严整的长方体外形与内部以镜面球状多功能厅为中心的模拟山地的中庭形成鲜明的对比。The library's rectilinear outer envelope gives way to a topographic interior atrium that is centered by a spherical, mirrored auditorium.

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其次是创作了大量规模宏大的组诗,叙事精详而结构严整。Secondly he has created a large number of large-scale suite of poems, narrate precisely and detailedly and the structure is in neat formation.

像盛老太太和海氏,她们就拥有一整套从头到脚极其严整规制的嫁妆。Be like prosperous old woman and sea surname, they own one the whole set of from head to foot very strict whole trousseau of rules and regulations.

中山陵依山而建,结构严整,观之而生一股浩然之气,展现出了中国传统和现代元素相结合的设计美感。The park itself is beautiful and lush filled with maple, gingko and pine trees and emotes both traditional Chinese and modern design sensibilities.