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通过拖动添加袖筒长度可变的手。Drag to add a hand with variable length sleeve.

我这个人你也知道,说话向来是“袖筒里的棒槌——直出直入!”You know me – I speak frankly and to the point.

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“是的,”她摸着我的袖筒继续说着。"I do, " she said, touching the sleeve of my blouse.

拖动侧边选择手柄可以调整袖筒长度。Drag a side selection handle to adjust length of the sleeve.

艾比兴奋地举起袖筒上明亮的黄色价签。Abby triumphantly held up the sleeve with the bright yellow tag.

风韵独特的“单袖筒”是赣南采茶舞中的一大表演技巧。Charm unique "single-sleeves" Gannan tea-picking dance in a big performance.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加手。拖动侧边选择手柄可以调整袖筒长度。Drag onto the page to add a hand. Drag a side selection handle to adjust length of the sleeve.

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安瑞克拉着她的手,西尔瓦娜蹲下来,用袖筒擦擦嘴,努力微笑起来。Aurek pulled at her hand and Silvana dropped to herknees, wiping her mouth with the back of her sleeve, trying to smile.

“她从右手袖筒中放出一只雄鹰,”歌词中写道,歌词无意中引起一种朝气蓬勃的愉快的感觉。"My gay goshawk I took with me, From my right sleeve I set him free, "said the song, arousing an involuntary sensation of courage and cheerfulness.

他那双大骨骼的、有点发红的、从衬衣袖筒下面露出汗毛的手,把一副纸牌放在桌上,拿起仆人给他送来的玻璃杯和烟斗。Those broad-boned, reddish hands, with hairs visible under the shirt-cuffs, laid down the pack of cards and took up the glass and pipe that had been handed him.