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他的结论?His conclusions?

得出的结论是。And here is the point.

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我的结论是什么?What is my conclusion?

结论是否定的。The answer is negatived.

你是怎么得出那个结论的?How do you made that out?

从中我们学到了两个结论There are two lessons here.

他是怎么得出这个结论的?Where does he get all this?

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那么,他的结论是什么呢?Yet what is his conclusion?

你们都弄懂这个结论了吧?You see what we've got here?

不同意我的结论?Disagree with our conclusion?

我就不告诉你们结论了I'm not going to give it away.

凯思的预言应验了,我们该由此得出什么结论?The upshot of Kass' prediction?

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我会重新考虑我的结论。I will reconsider my conclusion.

首先是不当结论。The first one is a non-sequitur.

是什么让你有此结论?What led you to that conclusion?

是的,让我们谈谈你的结论。Yeah, let's talk about your abs.

你是跳进正确的结论的。You jump at correct conclusions.

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一切都与此结论相符。Everything is consistent with it.

你是怎样得到这个结论的呢How do you reach that conclusion?

我会重新考虑我的结论。I will re-consider my conclusion.