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炖蔬菜。Stewed vegetables.

水果和蔬菜。Fruits and vegetables.

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小吃可选择生鲜蔬菜。Snack on raw vegetables.

蔬菜类放在一边备用。Set the vegetables aside.

菠菜和其它绿色蔬菜。Spinach and other greens.

你的汤及蔬菜。Your soup and vegetables.

杷你碗里的蔬菜吃光。Eat all of your Vegetables.

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是的,我想要些蔬菜。Yes.I need some vegetables.

他不懂蔬菜的栽培。He grows rose in the garden.

我切蔬菜时割到的。I cut it slicing vegetables.

我在蔬菜店买菜。I shop at a vegetable store.

她把蔬菜切成丝。She shredded the vegetables.

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这些蔬菜还需要加盐。The vegetables need more salt.

把蔬菜切得很细。Cut up the vegetable very fine.

蔬菜是在田园生长还是温室养殖?Farm-fresh or greenhouse grown?

集中在水果和蔬菜上。Focus on fruits and vegetables.

我想要蔬菜通心粉汤。I'd like the minestrone please.

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它在蔬菜水果店的外面。It's outside the greengrocer's.

某些蔬菜过早开花结籽。Some kind of vegetables bolted.

冷冻蔬菜,疗伤好帮手。Get cozy with frozen vegetables.