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每天练字。Practice calligraphy every day.

我通常花两个小时练字。I usually spent two hours in writing.

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我是去年去上海时开始的,从那以后,就一直坚持练字。I started taking lessons during my visit to Shanghai last year.

我平时喜欢读书、练字、练散打和双节棍。I usually enjoy reading, practicing calligraphy, practice Sanda and nunchakus.

虽然我字写得不怎么样,但是练字的时候我内心感到非常地舒心和平静。Although I am not good at it, I feel very comfortable and peace in heart when copying.

有时是觉得练字很讨厌,很烦,为什么别人不厌倦呢,因为他们用心练字了。Sometimes feel the word hate, tired, why others don't tired, because their word by heart.

王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断,以后又吸取了各个不同书法派的优点,形成他自己独特的个性。Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China.

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自幼喜爱艺术,6岁时开始练字习画,参加过四川省少儿美术展览。He has loved art since his earlier childhood. He began to practice painting at his 6-year old.

我是去年去上海时开始的,从那以后,就一直坚持练字。I started taking lessons during my visit to Shanghai last year. And I've been practising ever since.

颜真卿少时家贫缺纸笔,用笔醮黄土水在墙上练字。Yan lived in a poor family when he was young and had to practice calligraphy on the wall by using mud.

我用心的练字,为是能帮助校长抄写些不要紧的东西。I practiced hard with my writing so that I could help the scribe copy minor documents for the principal.

在童年时代,王羲之就对书法有浓厚的兴趣,他在练字的时候,往往废寝忘食。Even as a child, Wang Xizhi was absorbed in practising his calligraphy that he would often forget to eat.

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练字,是提高执法办案水平的需要。To practice calligraphy is the requirement of increasing the level of enforcing the law and solving the case.

因此,可以通过练字训练来矫正不良的个性心理。Therefore, the bad individual psychology can be corrected by training and practicing Chinese character writing.

不错,我很小的时候,我妈妈就逼着我练字。那时候,我一点也不喜欢,可是现在我真感激她那时逼着我练字。That"s not true! I think your calligraphy is very good. You have been into calligraphy for a long time, haven"t you?

今天历史老师说期末考试需要用手写。我三年级的时候应该好好练字的。FML。Today, I was told by my history teacher our finals had to be written in cursive. I should have paid attention in 3rd grade. FML.

现在练字已经成为我生活的一种习惯,如里哪天不练倒觉得好像还有一件事情没完成。Now the word has become my life as a kind of habit, which day does not practice think it seems there is still one thing not finished.

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正好今年放寒假时学校校长给我们布置寒假作业,我想就利用寒假时间来练一练字吧。Just this year winter break when school principals to our winter vacation homework, I want to use winter vacation time to practise a practicing it.

在练字时,我心里掂记手机,字写得非常难看。吃饭时我也想看手机,一点也没有胃口。妈妈还以为我还生病了呢!In practice, I record mobile phone, write very ugly. I would also like to see the phone when eating, there is no appetite. My mother thought I was sick!

开始练感到有些困难。数月后,大部分的学生能有惊喜。感到练字这么有兴趣,有意思。Are somewhat difficult to start practicing. A few months later, most of the students to have surprises. Practice calligraphy are so interested, interesting.