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约翰决定在节目中小试身手。John decided to try out for the show.

他敏捷的身手让她惊奇地直眨眼睛。She blinked in surprise at his agility.

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它又是一场一展身手的团队协作。It also includes many team cooperations.

他明天要去那里显显身手。He's going there tomorrow to show his paces.

他固然是个好色的纨绔子弟,但身手矫捷,精明能干。He is a lewd of a dandy, but admits skill, shrewd.

退房自由的版本,如果你想一展身手。Check out the free version if you want to have a go.

他时常觉得自己必须向人一展身手。He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others.

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他告诉我当他年轻的时候他是个身手灵活的演员。He told me that he was an able actor when he was young.

武僧是一位身手敏捷的武学大师。The monk is a skilled warrior of unparalleled dexterity.

这就是开闭原则一展身手的地方了。This is where the Open Closed Principle comes into play.

行让我们一展身手的绘图本打开的书一样的东西。OK let's have a go at drawing something like this open book.

俞显扬身手敏捷,转身挥动拳脚将日本医生摆平。Yu Xianyang turned and waved fists will be agile, a Japanese doctor.

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解放军空军小试身手,在前线站稳了脚跟。The PLA Air Force small test their skills in front of a firm footing.

在活动中培养了社交技巧并且有机会一展身手。They foster social skills and are opportunities for play and exercise.

我们都在屏息以待,指望您在这儿大展身手咧。We're all just waiting with breath to see what you can do around here.

他们只是等待下场比赛的机会一展身手。They are just waiting now for the chance to play well in the next match.

不要慌张。此刻正是你的放松技巧“一展身手”的时刻。Don't panic. Now's the time to put your relaxation skills into overdrive.

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他们一跑一追有大约半英里,看守身手敏捷却也很难追得上。For about half a mile the gamekeeper was led a swift and difficult chase.

这个身手敏捷的女孩正在完成一项任务,即奋力闯出一条路来,以从PDA上获得收益。This fly1 girl is on a mission. To bump and grind her way to PDA profits.

银行家和政府官员说,这可能只是小试身手而已。Bankers and government officials say this could be the tip of the iceberg.