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我个人认为困顿犹如生产力的扼杀器。I personally see a rut as a productivity vacuum.

是否困顿在一年前就已消亡的感情关系中?Stuck in a relationship that was over years ago?

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互联网上的互动会否让白宫陷入困顿?Would mass e-interaction bog down the White House?

长途艰辛跋涉使我困顿不堪。I was beaten out by the long and difficult journey.

但你处于困顿中时,尝试只开始处理一些小的事情。When you are in a rut, tackle it by starting small.

然后他困顿不堪地一屁股坐在玛丽旁边的一块岩石上。Exhausted, he stumbled over to sit on a rock by Mary.

看上去很困顿你却依然有理由面带笑靥。There wasn't enough and you still had reasons to smile.

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还有什么有益的方法帮人摆脱困顿?Are there any useful methods which help you get out of your ruts?

我们需要减轻导致经济困顿的税收负荷。We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.

当你感到头脑枯竭、灵光不现的时候,你知道你处于困顿之中。You know you’re in a rut when you run out of ideas and inspiration.

在印尼,慈济志工帮助一位生活困顿的老妇人、维修残破的房子。In Indonesia, volunteers helped an old woman renovate her tumbledown home.

安静的空气。那难以窒息。那困于困顿。Peaceful air. That suffocates with difficulty. That is stranded exhaustedly.

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是从平庸、浮华与困顿中,醒过来见到自己的真身。From the mediocre, glitz and frustrations in the real wake up to see his body.

第二章,文章论述了教育符号化的困顿。In the second chapter, the thesis expounds the educational symbolized difficulty.

解决这些大部分的困顿最简单的方法或许是统统从头来过。The easiest way to remedy most of these situations might be to completely start over.

让冷水在淋在脸上会冲走一天的困顿和压力。Just letting the cool water hit your face washes off the grime and stresses of the day.

他认为,圣人、君子困顿于时事是一种宿命。He though it was the destiny of the saint and honorable men to be trapped into politics.

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久而久之,我渐渐的尝试并发现了一些能使我摆脱困顿的方法。Over time, I have tried and found several methods that are helpful to pull me out of a rut.

由于他不让她去工作,露露就只能靠情人供养,所以她说感到很困顿。Dependent on her lover for money because heforbids her to work, Lulu says she feels trapped.

如果法国的经济陷入困顿,欧元区战胜债务危机的步伐就有可能被全部打乱。If France falters, it risks plunging the bloc's efforts to overcome the debt crisis into disarray.