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早上好,枕头。Good morning, bed.

给我一个枕头好吗?。May I have a pillow?

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让我把枕头拍松一下。Let me fluff the pillow.

她把枕头拍松。She fluffed up the pillow.

我用枕头闷住我的声音。I made noise into a pillow.

她把枕头弄得鼓起来。She plumped up the pillows.

要枕柔软的枕头,洗热水澡?Soft pillows and hot baths?

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请给我一个枕头好吗?May I have a pillow, please?

它是否有一件枕头轻便短大衣?Does it have a pillow topper?

早上好!你们这儿有枕头吗?Morning! Do you have pillows?

刚好够做个枕头。Quite enough to fill a pillow.

他头一沾枕头就睡着了。His head reposed on the pillow.

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别把枕头塞的太紧。Don't stuff the pillow to tight.

芳汀又倒在枕头上了。Fantine fell back on her pillow.

睡前折一枝薰衣草的小花枝放在枕边或者购买一个薰衣草的填充枕头都可以。Or buy a lavender-filled pillow.

别把枕头塞得太紧。Don't stuff the pillow too tight.

早上好!你们这儿有枕头吗?Morning! Do you have any pillows?

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他把头靠在枕头上。He reposed his head on the pillow.

请把毛毯和枕头给我好吗?May I have a blanket and a pillow?

我的孩子们没有牙仙枕头。My kids didn’t have tooth pillows.