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他对上司毕恭毕敬。He stands in awe of his superior.

“谢谢你,”嘉莉毕恭毕敬地说。"Thank you, " said Carrie, humbly.

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他毕恭毕敬地拣起一张卡片。He picked up a card with deference.

他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。They were bowed out by the footman.

他毕恭毕敬地走到老板面前请求得到工作。He went cap in hand to the boss and asked for work.

他的态度友善且毕恭毕敬。His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect.

另一些人,通常是女人们,却毕恭毕敬的,也挺烦人的。Others, usually the women, are annoyingly reverent.

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我们家的孩子对长者总是毕恭毕敬。If you are respectful , you show respect for someone.

学生们毕恭毕敬地对待老师。The students behaved respectfully towards the teacher.

该运动称投票结果显示“毕恭毕敬”位居第四。The PEC said"With all due respect"was fourth in its poll.

不仅是没有必要手捧帽子毕恭毕敬地投奔中国。Not only is there no need to rush off to China cap in hand.

南方的妇女娇小可爱,毕恭毕敬,很有礼貌。The women of the south are diminutive, subservient and very polite.

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准确。无论何时我们看到他,他都毕恭毕敬地奉侍他的主人。Precisely. Whenever we see him, he waits upon his master cap in hand.

他的确告诫他说,要是有个叫耶苏基督的人打来电话,一定要毕恭毕敬。He did caution him to be respectful if someone named Jesus Christ called.

毕夫现在变成了擦车工,对乔治毕恭毕敬。Biff has become an auto-detailer, and is now very deferential toward George.

可我会毕恭毕敬对待我的无知,因为那里可诞生荣誉和嘉奖。But I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.

佩洛西穿着灰色的西装裤,看起来毕恭毕敬的。Dressed in a grey trouser suit, Pelosi seemed almost deferential in her manner.

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巴拉瑟夫毕恭毕敬地表示,他不能赞同法国皇帝的意见。Balashov ventured respectfully to differ from the opinion of the French Emperor.

他毕恭毕敬地问我能不能帮他摆脱财政困难。He asked me, cap in hand, if I could help him out of his financial difficulties.

她曾经对他毕恭毕敬,但此刻她的话语听起来像在嘲弄他。She had always been deferential toward him, but now she sounded somehow teasing.