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我的儿子给我买了一张站票。My son bought me a standing ticket.

还是有一点点迟了,只是买到了站票。Still a wee bit late, it was " on the pitch ".

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是排队等两个小时,还是买明天的站票。The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow.

是排队等两个小时,还是买明天的站票?People have already been standing in line for two hours.

这是免费出站票。请你留下你的姓名。Here is a free ticket for you. Please sign your name here.

他们去的时候只有站票了。There were standing-room-only tickets available when they went there.

告诉赞助商我们需要更多的座位,我们刚刚卖完了所有的站票。Tell the promoter we need more seats, we just sold out all the floor seats.

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所有山下球场的座位票都已经卖光了,但是仍然有站票出售。All seats at Underhill have been sold but there are still standing tickets available.

到这个星期为止,绝大部分人都买到了回家的站票。By this week, most of those lucky enough to have snagged tickets home were already gone.

我只买到了一张临时列车的站票水利翻译,但总比什么都没买到好。I only got a ticket for standing room for a temporary train, but it's better than nothing.

如果有车上有空间的话,那么你也可以买站票,但是你要多付一点费用。You can still buy a walk-up ticket if there’s space available, though you’ll pay a slightly higher fare.

这是一个令人惊讶的场景自从民在第二站票大多是媒体和朋友和家人的表演艺术家。That was a surprising scene since the people in the second floor seats were mostly members of the press and friends and folks of the performing artists.

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这是一个令人讶异的场景自从民在第二站票大多是媒体和伴侣和家人的演出艺术家。That wa great unusuing scene since the people in the second floor seats were mostly memremainrs of the press and friends and folks of the performing creators.

很多编辑认为斯里曼在女装设计方面的能力尚有待考验,但他却耍起了大牌,比如给一些颇受尊敬的客人的票也只是站票。Many editors resisted what they saw as diva behavior, like giving only standing tickets to some esteemed guests, from a designer who was still untested in women's wear.

中国春秋航空董事长王正华表示,只要中国政府的适航部门批准,他就敢尝试“给飞机卖站票”。China, said Wang Zhenghua, chairman of Spring Airlines, as long as the Chinese government airworthiness approval, he would dare to try "to the arrangement to sell the aircraft."