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疏密是文艺评论中一个重要概念。Density is an important concept in literary criticism.

螺旋的疏密、大小与相对沉积速度有关。The density and size of whorls are related to sedimentation rate.

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全画构图疏密有致,错落自然。Whole picture composition strewn at random have send, density is natural.

画面结构松散,杂乱无疏密之分,则会令人感到索然无味。Frame structure, loose, messy no density of points, will be very uninteresting.

如体系不变,差别类型输入下的稳态精疏密程度可以求患上。If it is stable, the steady-state accuracy can be determined for various types of inputs.

布白之法,如同上述,宜重虚实呼应、疏密变化。White cloth of the law, as above, the actual situation should re-echo the change in density.

该规律是在摆线运动规律的基础上,采用一系列疏密化手段构成的。Based on cycloid motion curve, this curve is constituted by means of a series of density method.

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竹林位于云顶自然风景旅游区的南侧,远远望去,层次分明,疏密有致。Genting natural bamboo forest in the scenic tourist area south, look far, clear layers, density.

岸边还有城关、村舍、寺塔错落其间,构图疏密变化多端。Scattered along the riverbank are city walls, villages, and temples punctuating the composition.

研究表明,可激介质的非均匀性对于螺旋波波纹的粗细及疏密程度有较大影响。Firstly, the pattern formation of spiral waves in inhomogeneous ex-citable medium is investigated.

实在,像素疏密程度云云之高,人眼没有办法区分单个像素。In fact, the pixel density is so high that the human eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels.

从而突出画面因此而形成的形式感,人物间的疏密排列,大小安排也为画面的节奏增色不少。The density of this arrangement, the big and small of the characters will all contribute to the rhythm.

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pcsk9联合低疏密程度脂蛋白受体表面上的肝细胞和原因,这些受体打破。Previous research has shown that PCSK9 plays an important role in determining LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

虚实与疏密、黑白、笔墨等因素相互影响,相互生成。Actual situation with the density, black and white, pen and ink and other factors influenced each other, generation.

精于画理的季先生以画入书,疏密变化天成而就。Proficient in the quarter of the rationale for Mr. painting paintings into books, and on natural changes in density.

地域大小、道里远近和人口疏密等都与亭的多少不无关系。The number of pavilion is subject to the size of the area, the distance of the way, and the density of the population.

疏密有间的柳篮,在冬天的早晨则成了母亲淘洗红薯的家当。And the wicker basket with the even density was the tool for mother to wash the sweet potatoes in the morning of winter.

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除了搬进多年收藏的石狮子,还特别栽种了14种植物,高低错落,疏密相间,给了院子无限的自由和想象。Besides the stone lions, there are 14 sorts plants in the yard, which brings the yard limitless freedom and imagination.

唐代开始,工艺装饰普遍使用花卉图案,其构图活泼自由、疏密匀称、丰满圆润。Tang began widespread use of decorative floral pattern, its composition and lively free, density symmetry, plump mellow.

还以线条的疏密繁缛、曲直、粗细、劲柔等,具有复杂多变的线条美。The line density and complexity shows the beauty of crooked and straight, size, flexibility with complex changing lines.