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无霜期天数增加,霜期缩短。The frost-free period lengthened, and the frost period shortened.

烟霾日数、无霜期呈增加趋势,而日照时数为减少趋势。The smoke days and the frost-free period increase, while sunshine hours decreased.

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年平均降雨量1041毫米,年平均无霜期219天,年平均日照时数为2191小时。The yearly frost-free time add up to 219 days. The annual average sunshine time adds up to 2191 hours.

进一步分析了影响农业生产的布局和结构的无霜期、0℃、10℃、15℃、20℃积温的变化规律等。Further analysis showed the change frost-free duration, accumulated temperature of 0℃, 10℃, 15℃ and 20℃.

赣州属中亚热带南缘,气候温暖,雨量充沛,无霜期长。Ganzhou is in the southern margin of the subtropical climate warmth and abundant rainfall, long frost-free period.

全年无霜期变化在100—160天之间,分布趋势为由东向西逐渐增长。Change at the annual frost-free period 100-160 days, the distribution of the trend of growing on the grounds east to west.

年平均气温在摄氏十六至十八度之间、四季分明、雨量充沛、无霜期长。The annual temperature is between sixteen and eighteen degrees, with distinct four seasons, abundant rain and long frostless period.

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九月至次年五月为霜冻期,无霜期短,南北相差悬殊。September to May the following year as the frost period, frost-free period is short, significant differences between north and south.

研究无霜期演变规律,为农业风险决策,趋利避害充分利用气候资源提供气候依据。The research of the evolution principle of frost-free period would give climate resources support for risk decision making in agriculture.

初霜、终霜对气候变化的综合响应表现在无霜期的延长变化趋势存在明显的区域性差异。The comprehensive response of first frost and latest frost to climate change showed that the extened variation trends have obvious regional differences.

重庆属中亚热带湿润季风气候区,具有夏热冬暖,光热同季,无霜期长,雨量充沛,湿润多阴等特点。Chongqing has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. Summer of Chongqing is hot and winter is warm, with a long frost-free period.

澄海区地处亚热带,属南亚热带季风气候,温暖宜人,酷热期短,无霜期长,四季不甚分明。Chenghai is located in the subtropical zone, a subtropical monsoon climate, warm and pleasant, very hot short, a long frost-free period, the Four Seasons is not clear.

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满族先祖长期生活在无霜期短的东北,初以少种植、多渔猎为主要经济来源。Over centuries, Manchurian ancestors lived in Northeast China of short frost-free season with fishing and hunting being their main economic sources instead of planting.

属大陆性气候,年平均气温为5.9℃,年均降温水量为290毫米,年日照时数为2659小时,平均无霜期121天。A continental climate, the average temperature of 5.9 ℃, the average annual cooling water, 290 mm, the sunshine hours to 2659 hours, the average frost-free period 121 days.

气候属暖温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,日照充足,年平均气温12.6℃,多年平均无霜期187天。Climate is temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, abundant sunshine, annual average temperature of 12.6 ℃, annual average frost-free period 187 days.

以甘肃民勤治沙综合试验站数十年气象定点观测资料为基础,统计、分析了民勤荒漠区无霜期、春季低温、冻土层的变化特征。According to the meteorological observation in Minqin Desert Control Experiment Station, variations of frost-free period, low temperature in spring and frozen earth were analyzed.

日照时间长,昼夜温差大,无霜期长,年太阳能辐射量大,对农作物生长十分有利。The sunshine duration is long, the temperature difference is big, the frost-free period is long, and the annual solar radiation amount is much, which is good for the growth of crops.

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海塔会战前线地处草原深处,处在高寒地区的采油作业区每年的无霜期仅有100天左右,产能建设和施工期相对较短。Haita battle front is located in the depths of the grassland, alpine areas of oil operations in the annual frost zone only 100 days, capacity building and the construction period is relatively short.