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没有刀锋的瑞士军刀?A Swiss army knife without a blade?

我们的军刀用的是420纯钢,不生锈!Our saber with 420, whilst doesn't rust!

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汽车就是我们心目中的瑞士军刀。Our cars are viewed as Swiss army knives.

XDoc是一个处理XML的所有事情的瑞士军刀。XDoc is the Swiss army knife for all things XML.

它真的是软件工具的瑞士军刀。It is truly the Swiss army knife of software tools.

他们也有自己眼中的瑞士军刀。They also had their own version of the Swiss Army knife.

大脑就像一把瑞士军刀,拥有各种不同工具。The brain is like a Swiss Army Knife, full of different tools.

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其中儿童圆刃军刀已经投入生产了。The child's knife with rounded blade is already in production.

这个小件的玩具是一种犹如瑞士军刀般的隐秘性爱玩具。This gadget is like the Swiss Army knife of undercover sex toys.

俞院长赠送军刀给巴国史托斯纳尔总统。Premier Yu presents a military sword to President Stroessner of Paraguay.

在后阶段,她们还配备了连发枪以及军棍和军刀。In the latter period, they were armed with Winchester rifles, clubs and knives.

这种古罗马瑞士军刀包含了刀,勺,叉,长钉,抹刀和小鹤嘴锄。The Roman Swiss Army knife has a knife, spoon, fork, spike, spatula, and small pick.

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现在的个人电脑如瑞士军刀一样包含了尽可能多的功能.The current-day personal computer remains the ultimate Swiss army knife of information.

不列颠亲卫骑兵是精锐的重骑兵部队,他们锋利的军刀令敌人闻风丧胆。Horse Guards are an elite heavy cavalry unit, with a fierce reputation and deadly sabres.

他拿出自己的瑞士军刀,把螺丝拧下来,连同光盘一起扔到了窗户外面。He gets his Swiss army knife, unscrews the screws, throws them and the disc out the window.

这会儿两人心照不宣地拿长矛当军刀砍来砍去,而不敢再用会致命的矛尖。By common consent they were using the spears as sabres now, no longer daring the lethal points.

后来在塔尔法格利奥,他和卢克·天行者的军刀中队一起驾机参战,其通讯代号为“安静”。He later flew with Luke Skywalker's Saber Squadron at Talfaglio with the comm designation Quiet.

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我相信,只要国际社会不懈努力,这样一把瑞士军刀是可以打造出来的。I believe that with unremitting efforts of the international community, such a knife can be made.

吾得滑膛火枪及骑兵军刀,伯君得一杆大枪,上有刺刀附之。I received a musket and a saber. Le Poittevin was handed an enormous gun with a bayonet attached.

以生产瑞士军刀而闻名全球的维氏集团日前推出了一款号称超级安全的记忆棒。Victorinox, maker of the renowned Swiss Army Knife, has launched a new super-secure memory stick.