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选择你的英雄征战天下吧!Choose your hero and conquer the world!

这幢房子是什么时辰征战朱之文?。When was being the house estbellylished?

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她目前是征战印地系列赛赛车手中,人气最旺的一个。Patrick is the most popular driver in IndyCar.

华尔街的冰壶迷们说,这就像一种征战交易场后的恢复疗法。It is, fans say, a bit of after-market therapy.

那么,帕罗和马尔奇西奥有实力在顶级联赛中征战吗?And are Paro and Marchisio ready for the top flight?

范特瓦特同样在世界杯赛场上,他在荷兰队阵中征战。Van der Vart is also on World Cup duty with Holland.

赫塔菲将在下赛季征战欧联杯。The Azulones will play Europa League football next term.

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网队历史上曾是一支纽约球队,从1968年开始曾以纽约网队的队名征战ABA联赛。The Nets franchise has been based in New York in the past.

星期二湖人将带着2-1的领先优势继续征战马刺主场。The Lakers lead the series 2-1. Game 4 is Tuesday in San Antonio.

泽比纳和西索科被排除在此次客场征战罗马的名单中。Jonathan Zebina and Mohamed Sissoko are both ruled of the running.

伊沃克人互相征战的时代逝去已久。There was a time, long ago, when Ewoks would war among each other.

加莫人以氏族为社会单位,相互征战。Gamorreans live in clans, and these clans are the basis for their wars.

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这些国家当时正在互相征战,各统治者为了权力而相互讨伐。The states were warring with each other, the rulers fighting for power.

本赛季庞贝的开局是球队89年联赛征战史上最差的。This season they made their worst start in 89 years of league football.

而现在,他们还是只能在下赛季征战欧联杯。Now they find themselves playing in the Europa League instead next season.

马赛洛。里皮可能会重回尤文图斯和球队一起征战新的甲级联赛。Marcello Lippi could still return to Juventus for their new Serie A campaign.

如同前面我们说过,这是一场属灵征战。And we believe that a lot of spiritual warfares are happening because of CCCC.

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由于要代表西班牙征战联合会杯的比赛的缘故。As a result of yesterday's battle on behalf of Spain to the Confederations Cup.

两部影片中,木兰们征战沙场的原因各不相同。The characters in the two films swing their swords for very different reasons.

亚历山大•宋已被选入喀麦隆国家队,征战非洲杯。Alex Song has been called up to Cameroon's squad for the African Cup of Nations.