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热浪滚滚!Hot wave!

在早晨的热浪中,她很快就蔫儿了。She soon wilted in the morning heat.

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我进去的那一瞬就感受到了一股热浪,The second I walked in, a wave hit me,

热浪发生的频率正在加快。The frequency of heatwaves is increasing.

地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave.

这阵热浪已使每个人感到倦怠。This heat wave has everyone dragging around.

滚滚热浪正席卷着东部海岸。A scorching heat wave is engulfing the East Coast.

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今天一整天都热浪滚滚。This heat wave is keeping temperatures high all day.

在炽热的太阳照耀下,沙漠腾起股股热浪。Heat vapour steamed the desert under the blazing sun.

其他的老师也感受到了锦标赛的热浪。Other teachers are also feeling the tournament fever.

不消除散热器盖时,发动机是热浪袭人。Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot.

这是我们从热浪岛回来后住的酒店。This is our hotel after we get back from redang island.

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幻觉的屏风之外,夏天,热浪滚滚。Beyond the illusionary screen, summer heat is billowing.

路面蒸腾的热浪混合着汽车尾气扑面而来。The odor of hot pavement and auto exhaust blew into thecar.

浪漫的是,你整个月都处于爱情的热浪中——实际上,是一整年。Romantically, you will be hot all month, and actually, all year.

这时,我已不再在澳洲的悉尼,置身于热浪滚滚,汗流粘袂的夜晚了。No longer was I in Sydney Australia, on a sticky heat-wave night.

俄罗斯已经被热浪烤焦,森森已经化为灰烬。Russia has been scorched by heatwave and its forests incinerated.

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镇里每年一度的马拉松比赛通常是在热浪扑面的时候举办。The annual marathon in my town usually occurs during a heat wave.

我们应该可以从这些热浪中制作出十分小的电源。We may be able to make very very small power sources out of them.

这片水域的对面的中国大陆,隐约可见是一个货柜码头笼罩在热浪的薄雾中。Across the water inChina, a container port looms in the heat haze.