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与朋友交,言而有信。Your word and a friend.

汤姆是否会言而有信?Will Tom be as good as his word?

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事实上,他是个言而有信的人。In fact, he is a man of his word.

然而言而有信的人却赢得别人的尊敬及友谊。A man of his word, however, wins others' respect and friendship.

当然,我们都知道摩羯很敏感、严肃,言而有信。Sure, we all know you are sensitive, serious, and mean every word you say.

如果你言而有信你将赢得尊重。You will earn a lot of respect when you follow through with your promises.

有始有终表明你是一个言而有信的人,是一个对事情很上心的人。Follow through shows that you are a person of your word and someone who cares.

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如果承诺给予物质鼓励,则一定要言而有信。If the commitment to give material encouragement, be sure to keep its promise.

可见,一个人如果言而有信,自然会得到大家的尊敬和爱护。Hence, a person who keeps his word will naturally win respect and care from the people.

但这些措施必须确保达成的协议言而有信,确保我们都在履行自己的义务。They must, however, ensure that an accord is credible, and that we're living up to our obligations.

因为,长大就是知书达理和言而有信,就是不能再天真、“胡闹”。Because the book grew up to know the rationale is and will keep its promise is no longer naive, "nonsense."

为了显示言而有信,为了减少亲卡扎菲势力发动反叛的机会,反对派有关邀请少数忠于卡扎菲的人士参与政府。To show they mean it and to lessen the chance of a pro-Qaddafi revolt, they should invite a few loyalists to join their government.

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我国古代思想家孔子就说过为人要“言而有信”,可见我国自古以来就是一个提倡守信的国度。Ancient Chinese thinker Confucius said Wei Ren to "keep its promise", we can see is an advocate of China since ancient times and trustworthy country.

人们爱戴忠于真理、态度良好、言而有信、对职位负责的人。Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.

要提高政府信用,必须重视政府的信用意识,做到依法行政,言出有据、言而有信。To promote the government's credit pay more attention to evoking the credit consciousness of the government and sticking to the rules of "administration according to law" and so on.

它不仅要求人们在社会交往中信守承诺,严格自律,而且要求在与他人交往中言而有信,言行一致。It not only requires people to keep their promises with social interaction, exercise strict self-discipline, but also in dealings with others will keep its promise, as well as its word.