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这些机器拥有非同一般的40和60英尺的起重臂。These machines are far from run-of-the-mill 40- and 60-foot booms.

放置载荷状态下,操作者将在起重臂端部进行整夜控制。Operator controls stay up on the end of the boom, with the load being placed.

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采用ANSYS有限元程序分析起重臂的局部屈曲。Partial buckling of hoist boom is analyzed with ANSYS finite element program.

而英国公司也对履带铰链式起重臂进行了实地试验。The British company also fields a line of four track-mounted articulated booms.

讨论了起重臂在弯曲刚度和扭转刚度失效模式下的可靠性灵敏度设计问题。Reliability sensitivity of jib with bending and torsion stiffness failure modes was proposed.

一种随车起重机的起重臂,属于随车起重机。The utility model provides a lifting beam of a lorry-mounted crane, and belongs to lorry-mounted cranes.

可前后移动式驾驶舱,举重臂可伸缩,可调集装箱抓手。Exceptionally detailed diecast metal model with moveable cabin, extensible boom and variable container lifter.

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用吊车或卡车装卸货物时,货物和起重臂下不许站人。When handling loads with cranes or trucks, caution crew members to stand clear of any overhead loads and boom.

也称变幅限位或幅度指示器,一般的动臂起重机的起重臂上都挂有一个幅度指示器。Also known as the amplitude limit or range indicator, jib cranes general boom are linked to a range of indicators.

例如,失衡的轮子,有附着在轮子边缘的可折叠或伸长的加重臂。The overbalanced wheel, for example, has weighted arms attached to the rim of the wheel that fold down or extend out.

根据疲劳寿命结果得出该类型式起重机起重臂的设计不用考虑疲劳问题。By the terms of the calculated result we found a rule that all this type tower crane don't need to estimate the fatigue life of balance beam.

经对断口的宏观分析、起重臂的力学计算,以及对起重臂的工作受力状态和安全性的讨论,最后判定断裂是由于主臂构造缺陷和疲劳所致。Macro check on the breaking section and mechanics calculation of the jib are performed. The force status and safety of the jib are also discussed.

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两种方法的计算结果是相接近的,但前者比后者简单,所采用的方法适用矩形臂、六边形臂和椭圆臂等形式的起重臂。Calculation results from the two methods are close, but the former is simpler than the latter. The method employed is suitable for rectangle, hexagon and ellipse section booms.

轮式起重机在产品自身重量相同的情况下,减轻伸缩起重臂的重量是提高有效的方法之一。Under the condition of retaining the same machine weight of wheel crane, reducing the weight of telescopic hoist boom is one of effective ways to increase hoisting performance.

机器人砖层使用从归属为砖放置的三维CAD表示供给信息,在压力下输送到起重臂的头灰浆或粘合剂。The robot brick-layer uses information fed from a 3D CAD representation of the home for brick placement, with mortar or adhesive delivered under pressure to the head of the boom.

平衡重块安装位置不准确,会造成起重臂与平衡臂平衡力矩偏差过大,轻易造成塔吊失稳。Balance weight block installation position is not accurate, will cause the boom and the balance arm balance torque deviation is too large, easily lead to instability of the tower crane.

在起重机上采用计算机集成控制的电比例操作系统、单缸插销式全自动快速伸缩系统、完全椭圆形起重臂。A computer-integrated electro-proportional control system is adopted on the crane as well as fully automatic rapid telescopic system of single cylinder latch type and oval cross section lifting arm.