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星条旗是否还会再更改?Could the flag change again?

你可以看见星条旗。You can see the stars and stripes.

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这就是著名的星条旗。This is the famous Star-Spangled Banner.

许多模式下,像是50星条旗,则是两者兼顾的。Many patterns, like the 50-star flag, have both.

这种模式正在为目前的50星条旗所使用。This is the pattern of our current 50-star flag.

美国国歌是星条是星条旗之歌。S. national anthem is the song Stars and Stripes.

这种模式只适用于行数为奇数的星条旗。This only works for flags with an odd number of rows.

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为了联邦和正义,我们扛起光荣的星条旗。And we bear the glorious stars for the Union and the right.

一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.

一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.”

星条旗被运送到特殊保存实验室中。The Star-Spangled Banner went to a special conservation laboratory.

一位身着星条旗服装的牛仔在斜槽后观看着骑术表演。Wearing stars and stripes, a cowboy watches rodeo events from the chutes.

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他11月4号签发的这份命令最早由星条旗军报做了报道。His Nov. 4 order was first reported by the military newspaper Stars and Stripes.

曾经他们会决斗至死——其分别饰有日本的太阳旗和美国的星条旗。Once they dueled to the death—emblazoned with the Japanese rising sun and the U.

的演变星条旗的增长反映了美国。The evolution of the Stars and Stripes reflects the growth of the United States.

美国著名的旗帜,星条旗,被列为主要保护对象。America's famous flag, the Star-Spangled Banner, was at the center of the effort.

士兵们高举的旗帜也被绘成了美国的星条旗。The flag held by the soldiers was painted in the stars and stripes of the US flag.

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难道我们应该停止唱“星条旗之歌”因为害怕冒犯英国?Should we stop singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" for fear of insulting the British?

这些特别的收藏品包括美国最著名的星条旗。These special objects include the nation's most famous flag?the Star- Spangled Banner.

当所有的修复工作结束时,星条旗被运送到了它的新家。When all the repairs were complete, the Star-Spangled Banner was moved to its new home.