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白云在青天,可望不可即。White clouds in the sky, is the.

今秋可望丰收。We expect a good harvest this autumn.

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培养优秀的学生指日可望。Fostering excellent students can be expected soon.

在短短的两小时内,韦布将军的救兵就可望到达。In two short hours we may look for succor from Webb.

北京若能将这些经验引以为鉴,可望安然度过。Beijing would do well to heed these tales of caution.

这座桥一年半载可望竣工。Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so.

我们相信日内可望收到银行通知。We a ume we shall receive an advice within a few days.

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这些大型研究的入选工作可望在2002年中期完成。These large studies expect to complete enrolment in mid-2002.

幸福,并非遥远得如海市蜃楼,可望不可即。Happiness is not far away like a mirage, that is not expected.

这可望带动大量民资和外资的跟进。This is expected to drive large private and foreign follow-up.

如贵方条件优惠,则可望得到我们的大量订货。If your term is favorable, you may expect a large order from us.

如贵方条件优惠,则可望得到我们的大量订货。If your term were favorable, you may expect a large order from us.

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如果你们的条件优惠,可望得到我们的大量订货。If your terms are favorable, you may expect a large order from us.

在老百姓眼中,北戴河是一个可望而不可即的地方。In the eyes of ordinary people, Beidaihe is an unattainable place.

它没有残值,可望持续另一个五年。It has no salvage value but is expected to last another five years.

城市必须是可控制的、适于居住的、以及经济上可望成功的。Cities have to be made governable, livable, and economically viable.

汽车代用燃料,曾经是一个可望不可及的梦,可现在却日行日近。Alternative fuel for vehicles, once a pipe dream, has become a reality.

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这个要求可望在量子宇宙论中得到满足。This requirement for cosmology might be satisfied by quantum cosmology.

此项研究可望对增殖放流鱼提供一种新型的自身标志法。This study may offer a new self-tagging method for artificial releasing.

一旦首阶段5年过期后,里知旺可望得到10年的签证。Rizwan can expect a 10-year visa once the first phase of five years expires.