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一个银行家的各有所得。A banker of his own.

贪多所得反少!Ask much to have a little.

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刚果从他们身上一无所得。Congo got nothing from them.

行得远者,所得的多。He that goes far gains much.

那是你们今天的劳动所得。That would be your income for today.

人们在生命中有所付出才所得到…Everybody's got their dues in life to pay.

实际的比赛与所得的分数相比难分高下。The game was closer than the score suggests.

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所冒风险与所得相比不足挂齿。The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.

如果人不在颁奖现场可以代领其比赛所得的奖品吗?Can I take the award on behalf of my friends?

我是否曾经因所得的恩赐而自夸、自大?Have I boasted and been prideful for my gifts?

对外贸易中我们所得的部分即为进口。Our gain from foreign trade is what we import.

先知哈巴谷所得的默示。The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.

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每位海盗所得的战利品的份额是经过同意的The share of each pirates booty was agreed on.

从所得款项中扣除付予上述代理人。From Proceeds deduct to be paid to above Agent.

这个捐献每年生可使用的利息所得。Spendable earnings accrue on the gift annually.

所得数据采用SPSS16.0统计软件进行分析。Data were analyzed by using SPSS 16.0. Results1.

将所得的数据制成“FCI信息表格”。FCI information table is formed with these data.

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人生有时候会让我们称心如意,所得即所想。Sometimes in life we get exactly what we expect.

一个人放弃了努力就肯定一无所得。A person certainly loses when he gives up trying.

第二部分是个人应税所得的法律界定。Part two defines the individual income tax in law.