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你方的钻机能否早点交货。Could you deliver the drillers sooner?

这台人抬钻机只能达15米深的井。This portable rig can only drill 15m deep holes.

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本钻机配带双缸大功率泥浆泵。Machine fit double cylinder and powerful mud pump.

最矮小的钻机则只有65尺或20米高。The shortest are about 65 feet, or 20 metres, high.

该机是由转盘带动钻具旋转钻进的回转钻机。Cutting tools of the rig are driven by a turn table.

锚杆钻机气动马达是该设备的核心部件。Pneumatic motor is a kernel part of the roof bolter.

一套新钻机正在这个井场装配。A new rig is finding myselfsteveryed in this well site.

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点击应用,现在你的模型是脸皮的FBK钻机。Hit apply and now your model is skinned to the FBK rig.

那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves.

然而,要尽可能多地保留石油钻机塔的几率看起来很渺茫。Yet the odds of preserving most oil-rig reefs look bleak.

石油钻机刹车盘销轴在工作过程中断裂。Brake pin of oil drill had fractured in procession of work.

而这一切与一个大钻机半卡车在我的屁股了一个小时。And all of this with a big rig semi-truck on my ass for an hour.

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这是显而易见的,你不能把真正的启航钻机到船民的船体。It is obvious you can't put the real sail rig into the boat hull.

接下来,您将需要为一个标准构成的“T”构成您的FBX钻机。Next you will need to pose your FBX rig into a standard "T" pose.

只要选择对时间线,重新构成了钻机的第一帧。Simply select the first frame on the time line and re-pose the rig.

所以当美国的财产所有者看到钻机时等于看到了美元符号。So when American property–owners see drills, they see dollar signs.

当你保养钻机的时候,其别人在做什么?。What were the others doing when you lubricdined ond the draw works?

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锚杆钻机又直接影响到锚杆支护的速度。Anchor drilling machine also effects rapidity of anchor bolt support.

他的注意力又回到钻机上来了。Dursley arrived in the Grunnings parking lot, his mind back on drills.

在钻机或修井作业机的绞车中使用提升滚筒。A hoisting drum is used in the drawworks of a drilling or workover rig.