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啊哈,香波。Aha! Shampoo!

用抗真菌香波给他洗澡。Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo.

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好了,现在如何来衡量你的香波呢?So how does your shampoo measure up?

我在小动物商店买了一瓶喷雾式香波。I bought a spray shampoo in a pet shop.

它要么应该被吸收,或者被香波洗掉。It either has to be absorbed or shampooed out.

头发应该每天用洗发香波洗,并充分冲洗。Hair should be shampooed daily, and rinsed fully.

浴液,香波等闻起来棒极了。Bath oils, shampoos etc from REN smelled gorgeous.

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她们总是香气袭人,即使只是从发间散发出来的香波味道。They always smell good , even if it's just shampoo.

使用香波擦头发的时间应持续28秒,包括20下按摩。Lathering should last 28 seconds and involve 20 rubs.

宝宝香皂、宝宝浴液、宝宝洗发香波和宝宝油。Baby soap, baby lotion, baby hair shampoo and baby oil.

有轨电车的脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo.

我们也用香波和沐浴露清洁头发和身体。Shampoo and body lotions are also used to wash our hair and body.

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采用冷混合法制备宠物用复方酮康唑香波。Compound ketoconazole pet shampoo was preparationed by cold admixture.

用香波洗头发,用肥皂洗皮肤甚至全身。We have shampoo for our hair and a form of soap for our skin and body.

用于具有丝光光泽效果的香波,泡沫浴和淋浴制品。Shampoos , bubble baths and shower preparations with silk luster effect.

头发力量筑堡垒于香波轻轻地洗涤并且使头皮恢复生气。Hair Power fortifying Shampoo gently cleanses and reinvigorates the scalp.

这次还用上一种火辣辣、会起泡沫的化学品,名叫“洗发香波”。This time, however, it included a burning foamy chemical called "shampoo".

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曾几何时,我们的七十年代有香艳无边的“巴黎最后的探戈”以及“香波”。Once upon a time, back in the '70s, we had Last Tango in Paris and Shampoo.

在洗发香波中有优越的去屑止痒作用。Function as excellent antidandruff and antipruritic agent in shampoo system.

包括一个新牙刷,旅行香波,护发素和护肤液。Include a new toothbrush, travel size shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion.