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豇豆也被称为黑眼豆。Cowpeas are also called black-eyed peas.

与花生相比豇豆有好几种优点。Cowpeas have a number of advantages over groundnuts.

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豌豆和蚕豆—豇豆、四季豆、利马豆Peas and beans – black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lima beans

研究了施用催娩克氏菌菌剂对长豇豆的影响。Effects of Klebsiella oxytoca on cowpea plant were studied.

该项目被称为“PICS”项目,即普渡大学改善豇豆储藏项目。The project is called PICS, for Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage.

修长的豇豆,是难忘童年的缩影。The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood.

这时他们拒绝了500箱,”陆金虎,一位海南豇豆交易商说。They then refused 500 boxes," Lu Jinhu, a Hainan cowpea dealer said.

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这时他们拒绝了500箱,”陆金虎,一位海南豇豆交易商说。They then refused 500 boxes, " Lu Jinhu, a Hainan cowpea dealer said.

在陕西省北部,豇豆检测仍然进行中。In north China's Shanxi province, tests on cowpeas were also conducted.

以鄂豇豆二号品种为材料,研究了豇豆的光合特性。The photosynthetic characteristics of asparagus bean have been studied.

该豇豆是放在一个黑色塑料板材下热的太阳。The cowpeas are placed on a black plastic sheet under the heat of the sun.

到目前为止,成都七家超级市场已经清除了25吨海南豇豆。So far, seven supermarkets in Chengdu have destroyed 25 kg of Hainan cowpeas.

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晒制豇豆丝已成为这里农村的一个特色。The sun-dried system cowpea silk has become here countryside a characteristic.

比如说豇豆,几周以来价格翻了一倍,达到每磅40美分。One staple, cowpeas, recently doubled in price in two weeks to 40 cents a pound.

该豇豆是摆在第一位,然后把里面其他两个。The cowpeas are placed in the first one, which is then put inside the other two.

筛选出了一些对豇豆遗传育种有益的种质资源材料。Several germplasm resources which were beneficial to cowpea breeding, were selected.

这意味着反复种植两排谷物其次是四排豇豆。This means repeatedly planting two rows of cereals followed by four rows of cowpeas.

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玉米底部周围种植的豇豆到处滋生着扁豆螟。The cowpea crop growing at the base of the maize plants was infested with pod borers.

我现在不做任何的豇豆生意了,因为没有人乐意买他们。"I'm not doing any cowpea business now, since no one's willing to buy them, " he said.

豇豆种子在黑暗条件下萌发,胚芽和子叶的PAO活性都明显高于光下。Light had a remarkable inhibitory effect on the PAO activity in plumule and cotyledons.