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旧物依旧,人渺渺。The old man still, road.

就是我们存放旧物的地方。It's where we keeps our old things.

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骆驼毛地毯也是旧物件。The camel hair carpet is a vintage find.

我呆在我的房间,一件一件查看汤姆的旧物。I stayed in my room and looked through Tom's old stuff.

储存有旧物的仓库。The warehouse stores old stuff that is no longer in use.

他们烧掉一切来自欧洲的东西,烧掉一切旧物They burn everything from Europe, everything that's old.

宅前出售旧物吸引了比我期待的更多的人。The garage sale pulled in more people than I had expected.

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在易趣网上拍卖商品——想不想把你的旧物卖出去呢?Auctioning items on eBay — Want to get rid of all your old stuff?

腐败的晚清政府没有能力光复旧物。The corrupt late Qing government was not able to recover lost territories.

今年夏天我们找到不少旧物件,最近就用它们制造了这面餐具装饰墙。The plate wall was made just recently with some of this summer vintage finds.

它引发人各种人对旧物的兴趣。And it has spawned a surprising interest in old things among all kinds of people.

我们认真地给每件物品定价以使我们巨大的车库旧物甩卖能够成功。We priced everything carefully so that our giant garage sale would be successful.

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几乎我家里的所有的家具都是从旧物寄卖店买来的。Just about every piece of furniture in my house was bought from a consignment store.

几乎我家里的所有的家具都是从旧物寄卖店买来的。Just about every piece of furniture in my house was bought from a consignment store.

旧物交换会--在体育场或大型停车场举行--就像社区的车库大拍卖。Swap Meets-held at stadiums or in large parking lots-are like community Garage Sales.

如果你在旧物销售店,你要向导购员询问产品的质量问题。If you’re at a garage sale, you can ask the seller about the condition of the products.

探索旧物新用的方法,像做个枕头或者用你的旧裙子做一个灯罩。Discover new uses for old things, like making pillows and lampshades out of old dresses.

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它们叽叽咕咕地窃窃私语着,我要告诉你我今日的所见所闻,还有我将见到的那些你所看过的旧景旧物。And while they crow and whisper, I'll tell you what I see today, and what I would that you saw.

在旧物寄卖店里,你可以用很低的价格买到几乎全新的东西。Consignment stores can be a great way to find practically new stuff at a fraction of the price.

在喧闹的城市里有一个安静的巷子,巷子里有家旧物寄存屋。There is a quiet alley in Bacchic city child, alley child in have a house of check of old other people.