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圆底烧瓶用于许多化学反应。A round-bottomed flask is used for a lot of reactions.

这是最好的方法来记录用户操作在烧瓶的观点吗?。Which is the best way to log user actions in flask views?

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加热盘管可以用于加热烧瓶及其它容器。Heating coils are used to heat flasks and other containers.

烧瓶送来时装在礼品盒里,同时还带了个漏斗,方便使用。The flask comes gift boxed and with a funnel for ease of use.

通常它连接一个圆底烧瓶或一些长颈瓶。Usually it is put on a round- bottomed flask or several neck flasks.

而其中最有年头的那一支烧瓶,是在1968被倒腾在一起封上的,到那时已经有25年的时间了。The oldest one, thrown together and sealed in 1968, is now 25 years old.

大部分蒸汽先在冷凝器中转化为液体,然后再回到烧瓶中去。Most of the vapor turns to liquid in the condenser and returns to the flask.

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“当我们结束这一实验时,我们看到有红色物质附着在烧瓶瓶壁上,”梅里逊说。"When we finished we could see red stuff on the side of the bottle, " he said.

故事最后的部分,关于还躺在保温烧瓶里面的靛蓝叶子。The final part to this story involves the indigo leaves sitting in the thermos flasks.

科学家接着又往烧瓶内加入粉末状磁铁矿和火星上现有的一种氧化铁。The scientists then added powdered magnetite, an iron oxide present on Mars, to the flasks.

当烧瓶被装满的时候,斯内普看上去仿佛流失了全部的血液。When the flask was full to the brim, and Snape looked as though there was no blood left in him.

他花大把时间在研究室,在三颈烧瓶中进行「合成超微奈米粒子」的实验。He spends long hours in the lab "synthesizing super-small nanoparticles" in a three-necked flask.

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那是厄伦美厄烧瓶,已经被氯气和钠,填满了。And that is an Erlenmeyer flask that has been filled with chlorine and sodium has been added to it.

我们用了薰衣草,桔子皮,柠檬皮和酸橙皮,分别把它们在烧瓶里提炼,和把它们一起放在烧瓶里提炼两种方法。We used lavender, orange peel, lemon peel and lime peel, both separately and together in the flask.

溴化环氧树脂样品用滤纸包裹,置于充满氧气的烧瓶中燃烧。The sample of brominated epoxy resin enclosed in filter paper is burned in flask filling with oxygen.

如果没有结晶形成,可以用玻璃棒刮一下烧瓶的瓶壁以诱导结晶形成。If no crystals form, scratch the sides of the flask with a glass rod in order to induce crystallization.

拔去针头,摇动烧瓶,把固体从瓶底取出,而且把它溶解。Remove the needles and shake the flask to dislodge the solid from the bottom and to help to dissolve it.

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在这些古器物中有陶瓷陶器,玻璃烧瓶,以及汤板大小的花形玻璃碗。Among the artifacts, were ceramic pottery, glass flasks, and a soup-plate-sized glass bowl of millefiori design.

最简单的悬浮培养系统是一个在摇床平板上轻微摇晃的锥形烧瓶。The simplest suspension culture system is a conical flask gently shaken on the platform of an orbital incubator.

本次清洗了12个小号循环萃取器,12平底烧瓶,以及一些集液瓶、滴管等仪器。We cleaned 12 small size circular extractors , 12 flat bottom flasks , some collecting liquid bottle and burettes.