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她把那封信从头至尾看了六次。She read the letter through six times.

从头至尾走一趟要两三个小时。It's a couple of hours to walk through.

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我把这本书从头至尾都看了。I've read the book from beginning to end.

从头至尾地掌控期望。Manage expectations from beginning to end.

流程重新启动并从头至尾运行。The process restarts and runs from end-to-end.

整个报告从头至尾废话连篇。The entire report was piffle from beginning to end.

我们不用从头至尾一个字一个字地读。We're not going to read every bit of it word for word.

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你应当将试卷从头至尾细看一遍再交。You should read over your test paper before handing it in.

火供从头至尾很轻松的进行得很顺利。The fire puja went well effortlessly from beginning to the end.

海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷着。The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern.

我把这盘磁带从头至尾再放一遍,请仔细听。I'll run the whole tape through again. Please listen to it carefully.

克尔彻一家在这个令媒体癫狂的案件中从头至尾一直保持低调。The Kercher family has kept a low profilethroughout the media-hyped case.

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克尔彻一家在这个令媒体癫狂的案件中从头至尾一直保持低调。The Kercher family has kept a low profile throughout the media-hyped case.

她把誊本从头至尾认真地看了一遍,以消除其中的错误之处。She went through the transcript carefully, to eliminate all errors from it.

几乎很少有人,如果说有的话,会把您的报告从头至尾无一遗漏地读完。Very few, if any, will read every word of your report from start to finish.

这位推销员长着一副诚实的脸孔,但从头至尾他都是一个骗子。The salesman had an honest appearing face but he was a crook from the word go.

“他是一个与众不同的孩子,从头至尾都比别人更加积极和乐观,”赫尔希医生说。“He was a different kid, more active and happy all the time, ” said Dr. Hershey.

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注意到,当确定性等级低时,您不能创建从头至尾的计划。Note that when levels of certainty are low, you cannot create a start-to-finish plan.

通过这本新手入门,我们会从头至尾向你介绍怎样创建一个基本的投票程序。Throughout this tutorial, we'll walk you through the creation of a basic poll application.

在迈阿密,人们讨论的都是三巨头。在洛杉矶,话题从头至尾都围绕着科比的膝盖。In Miami, it's all about the Big Three. In L. A. , the title talk begins and ends with Kobe's knee.