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自由职业者需要提供DNN皮肤。Freelancer needs to provide the DNN skin.

许多人愿意在家当自由职业者。Many people prefer to freelance from home.

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我是自由职业者,按小时计酬。I work free -lance and am paid by the hour.

于是,我搬到了乌兹别克,成为了一名自由职业者。I moved to Uzbekistan to work as a freelancer.

要明白自由职业者间的嫉妒是正常的。Know that freelancing envy is a normal response.

作者是上海的一位自由职业者。The author is a Shanghai-based freelance writer.

我是自由职业者,按小时计酬。I freelanced the article to a magazine publisher.

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雪莉是个不折不扣的自由职业者。Shirly is a professional in every sense of the word.

她和他邂逅时,两人都是自由职业者,都抽烟。When they met, both were self-employed. Both smoked.

职业就业统计中心表示这还没包括那些自由职业者。The OES figures do not include self-employed workers.

由于是自由职业者,他是没有固定薪水的。Since he is self-employed, he has no wages to garnish.

你对其他自由职业者有什么建议?What recommendations do you have for other freelancers?

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我能想象一个到处都是小公司和自由职业者的世界。I can imagine a world of tiny businesses and free agents.

修改单将提供给选定的自由职业者。Modification list will be provided to selected freelancer.

因为我是自由职业者,我可以想工作的时候才工作。Because I'm self-employed, I can kind of do it when I want.

自由职业者联盟不仅仅是一个劳工工会。The Freelancers Union is not just another labor organization.

而另方面,雇佣自由职业者,则完全不需要日常开支。Hiring freelancers, on the other hand, has no overhead at all.

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我是一个自由职业者,所以没有失业保险。And I'm a free-lancer, so I can't get an unemployment insurance.

他们有时也被称为失业人员或者自由职业者。They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers.

在未来的十几年内这将吸引更多人成为自由职业者。In the coming decades this will draw many people into freelancing.