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是那只鸟的身影。There was the shadow of that bird.

他的身影消失在暮色之中。His shape overpassed into the dark.

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我的心中将永远有我儿子的身影。I will forever carry my son with me.

我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore.

他的身影很快消失在黑暗之中。His figure soon subsided into darkness.

顾盼着身影,诅咒自己的生辰。And look upon my self and curse my fate.

又见那身影,娇小而蹁跹。Again, I saw that figure small and young.

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在很多药膳中都冰糖的身影。Many in the Diet have seen crystal sugar.

在月光下她的身影变得细长。Her shadow slenderized under the moonlight.

蒂姆的身影在枫树的林阴中消失了。Tim had walked into the shade of the maple.

家庭生活中处处都是中年妇女的身影。The older women are all over the home-lives.

我情不自禁这风要将吹拂你的身影来拥抱著我。I want the wind to blow your shade to hug me.

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从它身影偷步却无痕迹可考。Steal from his figure, and no pace perceived.

随着咆哮声和模糊的身影,他们发动了攻击。With snarls and a blur of motion THEY ATTACK.

我只感到面前是一个魁伟笔挺的身影。I was aware only of a tall and upright figure.

杰克和奈提莉跑动的身影在夜晚中显现着。JAKE and NEYTIRI run silhouetted in the night.

身影便出现在了妇产科外面。The figure then appears at gynecology outside.

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冷风中不再有相偎的熟悉身影。There is no longer the familiar figure to hold.

一条大鱼在荧光中显现出了身影。A large fish swims silhouetted against the glow.

我看见一个男人的身影,一个无头男人!I saw the figure of a man. A man without a head!