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'整流'。''罩飞机的引擎外罩。The cowling on an aircraft.

采用钢化外罩设计,清洁卫生。Adopt tempering cover, clean and sanitary.

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我买了一个打字机的塑料外罩。I bought a plastic cover for a typewriter.

它在引擎吊舱或者风扇外罩上运用chevrons技术。It sports chevrons on the nacelles, or fan housings.

飞机头式外形,有色外罩。Shape likes as the head of plane, domes are colored.

我让他把头发留长,然后穿上女孩的外罩和裙子。I let her grow her hair and she got a blouse and a skirt.

该防护栏包括有一面大约高出地面1400毫米的防护外罩。This enclosure has a wall height of approx. 1400 mm above floor.

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外罩被可拆卸地安装在靠近于空气入口的外壳上。A cover is removably mounted to the housing proximate the air inlet.

打开后盖外罩,检查电刷是否正常。Open the back cover to check the electric brush is in good condition.

研究人员用钢制圆柱体对隐声外罩进行了测试。The researchers tested their cloak's ability to hide a steel cylinder.

“我的微笑”,她写道,只是“一个面具”或者“掩盖了一切的外罩。”"The smile, " she writes, is "a mask" or "a cloak that covers everything."

女子喜穿长及脚面的旗装,或外罩坎肩。Women like to wear women's flag mounted and foot long flag mounted, waistcoat or jacket.

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外罩,包括空气通风帽,被可拆卸地安装在外壳的靠近空气入口处。A cover, including an air cowl, is removably mounted to the housing proximate the air inlet.

确保被测设备具有完整外罩,防止飞出的碎片伤害操作者。Make sure the device under test is fully enclosed to protect the operator from any flying debris.

从小型或简单到大,重型或复杂的,我们的外罩是易于安装和维护。From small or simple to large, heavy duty or complex, our housings are easy to install and maintain.

中国的鬼故事不同于西方对同类故事的理解,并不包裹着“恐怖”的外罩。Ghost stories in China are not strictly speaking horror stories, as understood in the Western sense.

这就是世界卫生组织先生,它是穿着飘动的医院白色外罩并拿着一支闪光听诊器的超人。This Dr. WHO was a super-man dressed in a flowing white hospital coat and carrying a sparkling stethoscope.

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可选择将现地环路电源供电的二极管或液晶指示器安装在外罩顶部与接头之间的位置上。A local loop-powered LED or LCD indicator can be optionally mounted between the sheath top and the connector.

而在夜间,窗户专门的厚窗帘或者是外罩会被拉下,这样就将白日的热量留在了房屋内。At night, special heavy curtains or shades are pulled over the windows to keep the daytime heat inside the house.

采用高可靠性、自动防止故障的联锁开关,在夹具外罩被打开时能够自动断开电源。Use high-reliability, fail-safe interlock switches to disconnect power sources when a test fixture cover is opened.