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痴呆能否增加血栓溶解风险?Does dementia increase risk of thrombolysis?

我在他痴呆著看,像一个白痴看,我确定。I gawked at him, looking like an idiot, I'm sure.

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她还没老到得典型性痴呆的岁数。She wasn't quite old enough for classic dementia.

很可能的是,你会以痴呆收尾。In essence, you might end up with some sort of dementia.

接着,他的思维陷入痴呆,其后不久即死去。Then, his mind declined into dementia. He died soon after.

谵妄,痴呆,失忆,及其他认知障碍。Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders.

另一个研究也发现了饮食和痴呆的关系。Another study also examined the link between diet and dementia.

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第十章.谵妄,痴呆,遗忘和其它认知疾病。Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders.

也许重度痴呆更易导致微型心肌梗塞。Maybe severe dementia makes people more vulnerable to microinfarcts.

一个男人,衣着不当,看起来就可能痴呆、平庸、甚至荒唐可笑。A man may look dull, common, or even ridiculous in ill-chosen clothes.

在这项研究中,476人患上了阿尔茨海默氏病或者是痴呆。During the study, 476 people developed Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

每当有人忘记名字,他们就已经悄然堕入了痴呆。Every time someone forgets a name they put it down to creeping dementia.

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路易体痴呆和帕金森病痴呆是同一疾病吗?。Is dementia with Lewy body the same disease as Parkinson's disease dementia?

痴呆的病人可能在想一些基本词汇上都有严重的问题。People with dementia can have profound problems remembering even basic words.

缺乏烟酸时,引起糙皮病、皮肤炎、腹泻、痴呆等症。A lack of niacin , it caused pellagra, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia embolism.

血管性痴呆的治疗包括预防和对症治疗。The treatment of vascular dementia include prevention and symptomatic treatment.

现在似乎年老痴呆患者带来类似的舒适。Now it seems that rockers bring similar comfort to elderly sufferers of dementia.

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PET成像给痴呆的临床诊断增加了什么?What does fluorodeoxyglucose PET imaging add to a clinical diagnosis of dementia?

NPH的主要诊断标准为进行性痴呆、步态失调和尿便失禁。NPH clinical syndrome was presented with dementia, gait disturbance and uracratia.

这种类型的药物中,没有一种被批准用于治疗痴呆相关的精神病性障碍的病人。No drug in this class is approved to treat patients with dementia-related psychosis.