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我还没有说要你弃船逃命呢。I don't want you to jump ship just yet.

狐狸向森林里逃命去了。The fox ran for his life toward the woods.

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蚯蚓逃命,水蛇上岸。Earthworm escape, water snakes come ashore.

天使盯着匆匆逃命的刺猬们。The angel stared out at the rushing hedgerows.

井架工逃命绳要做功能试验。The derrick escape line has to be function-tested.

但是伊拉克的基地组织在忙着逃命也是事实。But it's also true that al-Qaeda in Iraq is on the run.

在一个锁了门的车里,我想司机逃命的机会不大。In a locked cab, I don't hold high hopes for the cab driver.

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他们和斯米先生决定弃船,跳水逃命。Smee , decided to abandon the ship by jumping down into the water.

羊群一天到晚只是逃命,连草都快吃不成了。Sheep all day long just to escape even faster to eat grass not do it.

厮杀结果,打败的一方免不了会弃盔丢甲,飞奔逃命。The party defeated the helmet of rejected will inevitably, flying for lost.

赛尔夫试图逃命,从阳台上跳入了楼下的水里,一直没有露出水面来。Self makes a run for it, and jumps off the balcony and into the waters below.

1974年,土耳其入侵塞浦路斯,摧残了这座岛屿,居民们四散逃命,希望有朝一日能重返故园。In the year of 1974 however, the Turkish invaded Cyprus and tore up the island.

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地颤使镇中心摇晃时,工作人员都各自逃命。Office workers ran for their lives as an earth tremor shook the center of town.

由于布料加剧了火势,工人们尝试着以各种可能的方式逃命。As the clothing materials feed the fire workers tried to escape anyway they could.

艾顿通告他有三天的时间逃命,否则就是摊牌。He told him that he had three days to hightail it or there'd turn into a showdown.

如果你要从僵尸那里逃命,你会想要在一个舒适的环境里。Lexus GX If you’re going to be running from zombies, you want to do it in comfort.

其中一个立刻穿上靴子准备逃命,他的朋友却嘲笑他不可能跑得过熊。When one laces up his boots to run, his friend scoffs that he can't outrun a bear.

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被打败的士兵丢盔弃甲,抱头逃命。The defeated soldiers, throwing away their helmets and armour 5, flee for their lives.

还有一些人因此被诬告装成女人来逃命。Several men were falsely accused of having dressed as women in order to save their lives.

既然这样,那我宣布我们就收拾行李,挪挪屁股,奔走逃命吧。Well, in that case, I decree that we pack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here.