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任何形式的货币.Any type of currency.

但是笛卡尔形式发生了什么呢?Ah yes, didn't change.

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你只是改变形式。You simply change form.

形式是相对什么而言的?Form" as opposed to what?

情态动词只有一种形式。Modals have only one form.

盘扣。剪纸的形式为主。The form of paper cutting.

由于这是个指数形式。These are in the exponent.

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这个词没有单数形式。"Trousers" has no singular.

但一切都在改变形式。But, all things change form.

风格形式会影响本旨吗?Does style affect substance?

形式如同河堤。Form is like the riverbanks.

所以可以写成乘积形式。I can write it as a product.

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是它的形式还是它的灵魂?Is it its body, or its soul?

这个名词是单数形式。The noun is in the singular.

这可能会表现为多种形式。This can take various forms.

咱们不要搞得太拘泥形式了。You are too nice about form.

练习单词的单复数形式。Practice the plural of words.

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在某种形式上就是打开了他的开关That's sort of turning it on.

这是恐怖症的一种形式。The commonest form of phobia.

发病形式以全面性发作最常见。The most common form is GTCS.