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二锅头。Two pots of heads.

于是的上帝给了他更多哒二锅头。So God gave him more Erguotou.

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难得跟我的串儿我喝二锅头白酒。Rare Series with my children I drank pot liquor.

我们这里还有二锅头、竹叶青,口感和韩国的烧酒差不多,而且价格也便宜。I want to drink two pots of very much, can we can not buy here!

在北京CBD规划的区域内,我们把北京二锅头酒厂建设成了今天的现代城。Beijing CBD planning in the region , we turn Beijing into today's urban construction pot distillery.

我们开玩笑常说,二锅头酒曲最爱国,离开中国就酿不出酒了。We often joke about that the Erguotou is the most patriotic wine it refuses to brew once outside of China.

我们这里还有二锅头、竹叶青,口感和韩国的烧酒差不多,而且价格也便宜。We still have Erguotou and Zhuyeqing, Which are the same taste with wine from Korea, and they are very cheap.

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在北京CBD规划的区域内,我们把北京二锅头酒厂建设成了今天的现代城。Afterwards in the planned area in Beijing, we converted the Beijing Erguotou distillery into today's Modern Town.

事实上我心中还特指像茅台或五粮液这种中国的高级酒,以及大众化的二锅头。Actually I was thinking in particular the deluxe1 Chinese spirits2 like Maotai or Wuliangyie and the popular spirit Erguotou.

绝世毛石被盗,检查下发现指使小偷的依然是熟人,马帮二锅头王鹤亭。Freestone stolen vehicles, check found that letting the thief is still an acquaintance, caravan spirit erguotou he-ting wang.

最绝的是,二锅头的酒曲拿到国外去,却怎么也酿不出二锅头的味。Most interesting is that, even with the same Erguotou recipes, the flavor of Erguotou still can not be reproduced outside China.

地衣芽孢杆菌的应用为提高牛栏山二锅头基酒质量提供了良好的途径。The use of Bacillus licheniformis in Erguotou base liquor production could effectively improve the quality of the produced base liquor.

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夜幕降临,灯光闪耀,人们饮着菊花酒、二锅头,吃着丰盛的饭菜,欢聚畅谈,交流情感。Darkness fell, lights, people drinking the chrysanthemum wine and spirit erguotou, eating a big meal, chat with friends exchange emotions.

五加皮又会同羽彤等众机密杀入\“百花教\”,终于救出了花雕、绍兴酒与二锅头。WuJiaPi and of all secrets in conjunction with feather tong reached \ "", finally flowers teach saved HuaDiao, shaoxing wine and spirit erguotou.

红星苏扁二锅头则是红星二锅头近期的主打产品之一,复古的时尚造型宣扬一种u“酷”文化,紧贴时代潮流。Su flat Hongxing Erguotou is the Red Star Erguotou recently is one of the main products, retro fashion to promote a "cool" culture, close to the trend of the times.

很多老外喜欢喝红星二锅头,因为它的主体香和威士忌、白兰地完全一样。A shot of Erguotou has more than 300 kinds of aroma. A lot of foreigners like to drink Red Star Erguotou, because it's core fragrance exactly the same as whiskey and brandy.

我昨天晚上跟两位中国朋友喝了酒,我喝了有点太多的二锅头,结果我在末班车上不由得打瞌睡,坐过了好几站,太糟糕。Last night I drank spirits with 2 Chinese friends. I drank a bit too much, so I've carelessly slept on the last train to get home and have ridden a lot of stations past my stop.