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少林大炮捶,可以说是少林拳中的王者。This boxing is the king of Shaolin Boxing.

少林小炮捶可以说是少林拳中王者。This boxing is the king of the Shaolin Boxing.

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武术套路、少林拳术之一。One of martial arts repertoire and Shaolin boxing.

图为美国少林拳法联盟的学员为游客进行表演。US Shaolin Fist Union students perform for tourists.

少林小炮捶,可以说是少林拳中的王者。Small Cannon Boxing is said to be the king of Shaolin boxing.

图为美国少林拳法联盟的学员在拜见少林师傅。US Shaolin Fist Union student pays his respects to the Shaolin master.

联欢晚会上还安排了一个少林拳表演。There will be a performance of Shao Lin fist positions at the evening party.

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少林拳有很棒的防守风格。跆拳道较具攻击格斗风格。Shaolin has a great defending style. Taekwondo is a bit more offensive fighting style.

少林小洪拳是少林拳术的基本拳技套路,是初学少林拳术的必修套路,素有“十八拳之母”之说。This routine, also called the Mother of 18 Boxing, is basic and compulsory for Shaolin Kungfu beginners.

少林拳,传说是由护卫少林寺的武僧们在长期的练武过程中慢慢积累发展出来的。It is said that Shaolin boxing was accumulated and developed for a long time by the monks who protected the Shaolin Temple.

实验班教授攻防技法,对照班教授简化少林拳。Professor of offensive and defensive techniques of experimental classes and control classes to simplify professor of Shaolin boxing.

图为少林寺方丈释永信法师代表少林寺向美国少林拳法联盟赠送达摩像。Shaolin Temple Abbot Master Shi Yongxin representing the Shaolin Temple presents a Bodhidharma statue as a gift to the US Shaolin Fist Union.

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功法、拳术器械兼备,具有全方位的欣赏,是习练少林拳械的佳品。This comprehensive appreciation, including skills, boxing, weapons, is a good kind of material for practicing the Shaolin boxing and weapons.

于是七娘感悟之余,精研不辍,乃揉合白鹤种种舞姿于少林拳法中,经数年揣摩衍化,创出别具一格的拳法。So Qiniang sentiment aside, lapping at his craft, is a blend of various white crane dancing in the Shaolin boxing in a few years derived visual imagery to create a unique style of boxing.