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黄山云海,特别奇绝。Huangshan sea of clouds, especially Qijue.

云海像童话中一样美丽。The sea of clouds has a fairy tale beauty.

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它后来坠落在月球上的云海。It later crashed landed in the Sea of Clouds.

五条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。Five dragon swam in between, leisurely and sea.

我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds.

云海茫茫,寒宫孤立。Sea of clouds and fog, winter palace in isolation.

这里是文殊台,从这里可以观看云海。Here's Wenshutai. Please look at the sea of clouds.

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两条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。The two dragons swam in between, leisurely and sea.

日出、云海、佛光皆于我无缘。Sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha's light is in for me.

我要去黄山啦,我会住在“黄山一剑”开的“云海楼”呢,山下的好店。Which hotel is good ?The hotel at the foot of Huang Shan.

早上的云海更增加哈纳斯的神秘感。The morning clouds added even more to the mystery of Kanas.

一片云海跨过这整张图像——有些地方有点薄。A blanket of clouds—a little thin in places—spans the scene.

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但与天阴时,环顾四周,苍茫大地,尽入云海。When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of cloud.

但遇天阴时,环顾四周,苍茫大地,尽入云海。When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of clouds.

喜欢云海文字的朋友,看的就是云海朴实无华的文字。Like the sea of clouds text friends, see chastity text is a sea of clouds.

丝丝柔云飘渺浮动,宛若鱼儿畅游于霞光之海。从堤岸一般的大地上,我眺望平静的云海。The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light.

神奇的云海漂进漂出,风景时时刻刻变幻莫测。The mystic clouds drift in and out, changing the scenery from minute to minute.

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气温的逆增造成了在半山盘旋的云海。An inversion caused a sea of clouds to hover over the lower part of the mountain.

黄山云流动在千峰万壑之间,形成涛涛云海,浩瀚无际。Clouds on this mountain swirl around peaks and valleys, forming a "sea of clouds".

在鹤山,人们可以欣赏到色彩绚丽的紫霞,如烟似浪的云海。In Heshan, people can enjoy the colorful purple light, like waves of smoke clouds.