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整顿铜币。Thirdly, redding copper coins.

我们必须整顿社会秩序。We should put the society in order.

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最好的整顿较长的遗产。Best straighten up for a longer legacy.

教学纪律必须整顿。School discipline must be unforced strictly.

他读和整顿,他蠕动和忧虑。He reads and tidies, he wriggles and worries.

整顿和规范市场经济秩序。We will rectify and standardize the market order.

但从那以后,他们大力整顿了这个地方。But, since that time, they've cleaned it up a lot.

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那所学校仅用了两个月的时间就整顿好了。That school was sorted out in a matter of two months.

国家下决心整顿房产市场。The government decided to neaten the real estate market.

他们说,市场应该整顿清理,但不应该搬迁。The market should be spruced up but not moved, they say.

如何治理和整顿虚假广告是当前亟待解决的一个重大问题。It′s a big problem to administer and reorganize such ads.

但自二十世纪八十年代以来,他们稍微整顿了一下时代广场。But since the 1980s they've kind of cleaned up Times Square

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这是整顿金融危机所付出的令人生厌的代价。That is the unwelcome price of sorting out a banking crisis.

三是深入整顿金融秩序。Third, the financial order needs to be thoroughly rectified.

整顿军队必须严格整顿纪律。To consolidate the army, strict discipline must be enforced.

警察很快就把交通秩序整顿好了。The policemen have got the traffic system sorted out quickly.

下一步,检查和整顿的翘曲扣板根据需要的一面。Next, inspect the gusset for warpage and straighten as needed.

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强化安全生产工作和整顿规范市场秩序We will strengthen production safety and improve market order.

下个月我们工作的重点就是整顿厂容。Our focus next month is to change the appearance of the factory.

在新的一年里,必须做个小小的整顿,所有现任闪灵需重新考核。I need a little space, so keeping everything up better than that.