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你个妮子不太自信。You don't seem very confident about yourself.

廷廷和妮子比想像中还可爱呢!Ting-Ting and Ni-Ni are even cuter than imagined!

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妮子一开始说溜滑梯都太热不好玩。At first Ni-Ni complained that the slides were too hot and no fun.

在此,婧妮子在这儿预祝29届北京奥运会圆满成功!Here, Jing Nizi here wished 29th Beijing Olympic Games a complete success!

再看媚兰那妮子,瘦得像根棍儿,一点精神也没有。Thin as a rail and delicate enough for the wind to blow away and no spirit at all.

你的意思是我输给庄梦蝶那妮子是很自然的一件事?Is your signification that is my losing a very natural matter for dream Die that Ni son in Chuang?

“你不能用昨天晚上的同一个盘子,”我家小妮子愤怒道。“这是无视对孩子的服务。”"You can't serve the same plates from last night, " my teenager raged. "That's against child services. "

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躲起来养伤的黑三被擦皮鞋的小女孩二妮子发现,报告给公安局。Three black to hide the wounds of the shoeshine girl two girl was found, report to the public security bureau.

其实他们三人只要再往前行数十米,便会见到有良和妮子了,但是怕被发觉而不敢上前。In fact their 3 people as long as going several meters before going toward again, then meet is good with Ni son, but afraid disheveled hair feel but don't dare to come forward.

不知过了多久,妮子终于幽幽醒来,睁开了眼睛,夜空中一轮明月高悬,繁星点点,耳边山风习习。Don't realize mistake how long, Ni son finally the You You wake up and opened eyes, in the night sky a bright moon Gao Xuan, the heavy star orders a point, ear mountain the breeze is blow gently.